Anything that can help with excessive thirst and urination and rapid dehydration???


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
It would be interesting to know how much of each mineral (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium etc) is contained in the particular coconut water you buy. This article suggests it may be just as beneficial to eat a banana (lots of potassium) with a glass of water: shows how much of each mineral is generally in bananas.

Good luck with finding something that helps...:)


Senior Member
Northern California
I'm sure I was tested for Diabetes Insipidus (24 hour urine???) but it was quite a few years ago. I'm going to ask my doctor to run the test again. Is it just the 24 hour urine that one needs for diagnosis? And what is the treatment?

It does sound like I may have this but there are times it is a bit better (and also worse at certain times of day) so I thought they were just some random symptoms connected to the ME/FMS etc.

Love Esperanza x

I know this is a 10-year old thread, but in case anyone stumbles across it in the future, I thought I'd add some info here.

"Central diabetes insipidus is associated with a lack of ADH production by the hypothalamus or release from the pituitary and may be due to a variety of causes, including an inherited genetic defect, head trauma, a brain tumor, or due to an infection that causes encephalitis or meningitis."

ADH (Anti-Diuretic Hormone) is something that can be tested.

When To Get Tested? When you have low blood sodium levels or persistent thirst, frequent urination, and dehydration.

Link to further information about ADH/Vasopressin for anyone interested: