Update so far since relapse.
Been on doxy since sept. Bactrim 10days in october and about to finish another 10 days of bactrim and about to finish 5 days of flagyl. Herb berberine through sept and oct then stopped, added Cryptolepis 1st of november. Artemesia 5days on and 2 days off for last 2 months and continue another month then rest from it for a month or two. The last 10 days and next 2 weeks ive been taking cycloferon injection every 2nd day to help increase immune function. One nystatin capsule every morning to prevent candida and one probiotic 100 billion bacteria capsule. Famvir has been regular this whole year from memory. Sorry its scattered but its mostly what ive been doing since september.
The last month or so ive had less severe headaches but still constant. A heavier sort of fatigue, like my body needed it as it was trying to recover. I was having moments of clarity and urges to do things but werent lasting long or a wave of fatigue hits and reminds me not to be stupid. I still work 4 days a week but other than that im mostly in bed. The weekend just gone i slept most of it. Eg i woke up saturday morning at 8am and had slept well and 8am is abit of a sleep in for me. By 1030am im feeling slightly off/fatigue so lay down in bed just for half an hr, next thing i know its 530pm. Then im in bed by 10 or 11pm and thats how its been if not at work although the sleep i had saturday during the day was a suprise.
i woke up monday 5am for work and felt ok. Cant say i even had a headache at all, all day, highly unusual. When i got home something small to drink and eat and lay down to rest and as usual procrastinate about mowing the yard. But thought give myself an hours rest and time for the weather to cool down some. But i have these intentions and nothing happens but this time i thought stuff it and got up. Got the mower ready and looked at the backyard, Struth! Set the mower blades at their highest as the grass was to long and thick plus no catcher as id be emptying it every 5 steps. Im so deconditioned but i mowed the backyard which took me an hr and my lower back was cramping the whole time. Front yard is for a few days time and not as hard.
Besides the lower back i feel ok. This afternoon back is good but wasnt going to push it and do the front yard. 24hrs so far no pem, im not expecting none but if i take it easy today and tomorrow and see how it goes.
I was probably an 8-9/10 prior to relapse at beginning of 2020 and this is the most promising ive been but still a short window thats opened. Before the relapse if i felt abit off for a few days like sinusitis but it could easily have been lyme, myco, babesia etc id do 2 weeks of doxy or bactrim and this was probably every couple of months along with staying on famvir, that maintained my level of function. When i first had the relapse and constant headaches a ct scan showed my sinuses clear, which has me leaning towards the other bacterial infections.
I will probably move to abx as required once i stabilize, plus also first want to try staying on Cryptolepis and or alternating it with artemesia.
I will stay on doxy, crypto and art for a few weeks??? Then stay with doxy and crypto and add rifampin for 2 weeks and berberine for a month or so. Alternate 2 wks of a different abx and then back to just my basic doxy/crypto.
All the abx before ive had herx's from and then improved, besides bactrim where i just feel better on it. So 2yrs of feeling like crap from a relapse and taking 3 months to start seeing positive signs, shows how long it can take and i have a heads up as im repeating whats worked before.
Ps i cant say the methylation supps have helped as i ran out about a month ago and shipping anything here is slower than when captain Cook sailed out here in 1770, but i will continue with them when they arrive.