Bumping this thread instead of starting another one.
I just received a positive MARCoNS test result. It actually quite surprised me, since I did the nasal swab myself, and after mailing the sample, I realized that I didn't get the swab anywhere near deep enough. But the test was positive nonetheless. (I suspect that with a deeper swab, it might have been more than just the "small amount" reported.)
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I'm uncertain what to do with these results, and if they have any clinical significance for me.
My other mold-related labs are not quite "normal", but also not sky high or anything:
c4a: 600 (was 25,000 two years ago)
MSH: 17
MMP-9: 458
HLA-DR: 4-3-53 (multi-susceptible)
VCS test: fail
Urine mycotoxin testing: in the past has shown all mycotoxins (RealTime Lab), but most recently, Great Plains Lab only showed Ochratoxin A (15.53 ng/g)
I don't remember ever having a reaction to a moldy or water-damaged building. I've been sick for decades and moved dozens of times, but I suppose there's always a chance that I was exposed in the past and am still dealing with symptoms?
To be honest this whole hypothesis doesn't hold much weight for me. But I'm willing to consider anything.
I'm wondering the same thing as the original poster... has anyone treated MARCoNS and had a reduction of symptoms?