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Anyone tested for Adenovirus?


Senior Member
Has anyone tested for adenovirus?

If so, what were the results?

This is something I have yet to test for. But adenovirus comes up a lot for me when I'm researching my symptoms and conditions.


Senior Member
I've never come across adenovirus being connected to ME/CFS, either in studies, or from personal anecdotal accounts.

Interestingly though, adenovirus 36 has been linked to obesity, and some researchers suggest adenovirus 36 might be a factor in the global obesity epidemic that began in the 1980s.

When you experimentally infect mice with adenovirus 36, they become obese. And in humans, adenovirus 36 is found in 30% of obese people, but only in 11% of non-obese people.


Senior Member
When you experimentally infect mice
Which I am prone to do...

I've never come across adenovirus being connected to ME/CFS, either in studies, or from personal anecdotal accounts.
Me neither, which is why I've been hesitant to mention it before, or consider it.

My (symptoms/conditions) Timeline spreadsheet I've been working on for so long is still incomplete. I want to map out when I got which infection, what led to what, etc.

Though, I am fairly confident that my enterovirus led to full-blown ME/CFS...

But there are still question marks. I've had multiple issues pointing to possible Adenovirus....

Conjunctivitis in Right Eye
Adenovirus is #1 cause

5+ days nasal mucosa hyperemia, pharynx erythema, cough, congestion
^^Can be adenovirus, EBV, Enterovirus, HSV

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Adenovirus, EBV, Streptococcus, enterovirus

Adenovirus, enterovirus, others

Adenovirus has been seen in Hashimoto's as well


Senior Member
By the way, anyone interested in how different viruses can cause Hashimoto's Thyroiditis may find the following review interesting:
That's a good one. I need to revisit this, thx!

Here's some on specific infections with case/control:
One Ukrainian immunologist tests everyone for adenovirus in blood (among other viruses), but I think he does it just based on his personal interest to see in what percentage of his patents it's present, I tested negative.
Do you know of any research he's published? I'd be interested to see.

I'm getting Adenovirus tested VERY soon!