Anyone suffers from SEVERELY weak core muscles?


Senior Member
Anyone suffers from SEVERELY weak core muscles?

My muscles strain SUPER fast.

-I cannot sit anymore (have to lay-sit)
-If I look downwards on my mobile my neck strains
-cant chew hard foods,
-Cant talk while driving as it will strain my stomach muscles
-Cant play any games as it will strain my eyes, stomach and give me carpal tunnel type symptoms and strain my finger/hands
-I can no longer lay in bed holding my mobile over my face reading as it will strain my upper back/coat hanger area
- I cant stand right up and down much,
- I cant read much, look at screens.

When I say strains, it STRAINS. It can takes weeks to months for them to recover. And sometimes they never recover to where they was.

When I drive I have to be careful when turning because driving on small roads with lots of turns and twists will strain my stomach and core muscles to the point Im on deaths door.
Its to the point where I cant watch TV if there is subtitles because I will then automatically read the text and then strain my eyes to the point it takes days to weeks for the muscles to recover.

I would LOVE to find other people with the same symptoms as me as I have just come accross a handfull of other people this far.

Immune mediated SFN (TS-HDS), Dysautonomia, APS, high C1q, histamine issues. ME/CFS, MOLD

Infections: Enterovirus positive, Lyme, Mycoplasma p, EBV, HSV, CMV, VZV,


Senior Member
Have you looked into conditions like polymyositis?

The muscle weakness of polymyositis involves the muscles closest to the trunk: hips, thighs, shoulders, upper arms and neck. The weakness affects both sides of the body, and tends to gradually worsen.


Senior Member
Have you looked into conditions like polymyositis?

The muscle weakness of polymyositis involves the muscles closest to the trunk: hips, thighs, shoulders, upper arms and neck. The weakness affects both sides of the body, and tends to gradually worsen.
Thanks for replying Hip! I havent looked into polymyositis in depth but I have done the CK, ALT, AST, never had positive ANA, NEG anti jo, NEG anti mi, NEG anti SRP, multiple normal EMG and NCS. All tests normal.


I just learned that SFN can present with Guillain Barre like symptoms. Thats very interesting I think.


I have negative EMG, NCS and blood tests for MG. To fully rule out Myasthenia Gravis one should have repetitive nerve stimulation and single fiber EMG done apparently so I need to get those done.

Edit: I wouldnt be surprised if its possible to have normal tests BUT for example abnormal muscle biopsy for something like Polymyositis. I say that without knowing ofc but that seems to be the case for every disease I read about, there is always other possibilites it seems.


Senior Member
Edit: I wouldnt be surprised if its possible to have normal tests BUT for example abnormal muscle biopsy for something like Polymyositis. I say that without knowing ofc but that seems to be the case for every disease I read about, there is always other possibilites it seems.

I don't know much about it, but there are also other muscle conditions worth looking into, including other Inflammatory myopathies, myositis, LEMS (similar to polymyositis), inclusion body myositis and myasthenia gravis.

Here is a list of many different myopathies.

You can also try typing your symptoms into Symptoma, one of best diagnostic AI doctors.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Is it gotten better for you? if so, what did you do you think that helped it? : )
Yes it has gotten better but I still have muscle challenges...........not as intense though as I used to. I don't have a simple answer as to what helped because I do a combination of things. I follow suggestions by Anthony William to get my viral loads down. This involves anti-viral diet, natural anti-virals and other supplements. Heavy metal detox also. It was a combination of doing all these things that has helped my overall symptoms.
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