Hi - I posted this on General discussion but I thought could be useful here as well as this thread is about Dr. Enlander and looks like some here are his patients.
I used to post a lot on Prohealth ( 2007-2010) and a few posts on here ( last one in 2011 re: growth hormone) but I have been in really bad shape the last few years.
I live in Ottawa Canada and I will be seeing Dr. Enlander in 3 weeks as I want to get more detailed testing (mainly immune system) that I cant get here in Canada or if I can it will take years and energy to convince doctors and our public labs, energy and time which I don't have. I am going to have pay out of pocket to fly there, see him and for any tests so I had to think hard about this and I know odds are small he will find something with testing to help me but I know I have to try here.
I have severe FM and maybe ME/CFS (not sure ) as my main complaint is tendon and muscle pain and it has attacked my whole body now to the point I could barely walk or even sit 6 mths ago as the burning pain would be too much in those tendons I would be using. Of course I also get fatigue, hypyoglycemia symptoms, sinus headaches and sinusitis and naseau and muscle spasms and sleep myoclonus and of course got no stage 3/4 sleep on my sleep study
Anyway, I have already had some testing here in Canada (from 2005-2010) and also in California at Holtorf Clinic in 2007 which includes:
EBV, CMV,HHV6 all showed negative IGG and IGM
Coxsackie B2 was + ( past infection)
Parvo B19 + IGG (past infection)
Chlymidia P +IGG and +IGA ( IGA could mean chronic infection I have read )
Mycoplasma P + IGG (past infection)
hard to know based on above as past infections don't mean much. but I have always suspected chronic CpN due to that + IGA antibody as well as what feel like recurring sinus infections
have had thyroid testing done ( TSH of 3-4 range usually and low borderline antibodies) and I do suspect thyroid problems as well as adrenal and have tried treating (both herbs and meds) with little success
CD57 (low normal)
NK cell count (low normal) and function ( was 28 in 2007 with 8-170)
Lymphocyte subset panel showing below normal CD4 and CD8
have had aldosterone, cortisol, acth stim test, b12, vit d testing done
Ok so the main point of my post, so these are the following tests Dr Enlander suggests doing initially :
I have already done all of these
EBV, CMV, HIV, Myocoplasma, Cpn, Lyme, babesia, candida, parvo b19, HHV 6
T4 free -
complete metabolic panel
coxsacke B (1-6)
thyroid AB
t3 uptake
food allergy profile
vit b12
lymphocyte subset panel 2
methylmalonic / homocystein
NK cell function
lupus profile
gliadin ab
vit d
hepatic panel
rheumatoid arthritis diag
Tests I have not had done that he suggest are:
storgage special
IL2, IL6, IL10
E. Chaffenensis ab
HSV 1 and 2 ab
It looks like most of the initial tests are to rule out other diseases and are more mainstream tests (ie. cbc, hapatic , metabolic panel, ect) Considering I have had most of those tests ( some showing abnormalities - mainly immune) I am hoping based on what he sees with my results that I have, that he will do further immune testing ?
Can anyone who sees him confirm if and what more detailed testing beyond the above does he do? Do I need to tell him what I want which means I need to do research and figure it out before I get there
what about Rnase , I see he has some cytokines up there ( IL2, 6, 10) which I will do but does he do more like a complete panel, what about TH1 TH2 testing to see what parts of my immune system are weaker and or more active. what about b cell testing or any other testing others might suggest
what about small intestine bacteria overgrowth ( breath tests), or other stool testing - does he use any other labs besides the mainstream ones in Quest, Labcorp, Sunrise, act)
I know this is long ( sorry) and I appreciate you reading and giving me any feedback on testing or anything else for that matter when it comes to seeing Dr. Enlander. I am aware he is more cookie cutter when it comes to treatment and I will cross that bridge when I get to it but my first priority is testing and trying to get the most meaningful tests that will actually help with treatment.
Kyle Rollwagen