Anyone recognise this rash/welts around navel?


I had similar, years ago, and was diagnosed with Ringworm.

Hi, that has crossed my mind but these are flat, no raised ridges.

These are fading, then reddening again as they grow at the edges, then fading...

I think it's related to dosing poppy seeds, which is something I'm soon to get sorted out, but why all of a sudden?

And why no other allergic symptoms?

And why so resemblant of erythema migrans?


Tournament of the Phoenix - Rise Again
Perhaps it is pityriasis rosea? See photo at:

Pityriasis rosea. DermNet NZ
DermNet NZ
Jan 30, 2016 - Pityriasis rosea is a viral rash which lasts about 6–12 weeks. ... Many people with pityriasis rosea have no other symptoms, but the rash sometimes follows a few days after a upper respiratory viral infection (cough, cold, sore throat or similar). ... The herald patch is a single plaque ...
Phoenix, Arizona
I've got 3 or 4 red welts or blotches in a cluster about an inch away from my navel.

It's as if a biting bug lives in my belly button, and creeps out at night to munch 3 or 4 times and then goes back into hiding. (No, I don't actually believe there's a biting bug in my belly button).

I can't see any entry/exit or puncture wounds. They are blotches that are almost circular but not quite, they are not at present uncomfortable. They look like a larger red blotch in the mirror.

I used to get these when I attempted to start running (a couple of months' endeavour that ended in a huge crash). I thought it was some kind of exercise intolerance 'cos I would get a burning throat too. These ones would hurt in a painful pain/itchy mix.

The doctor said it was friction burns and to add vaseline or something or wear looser clothing. So, to test this I did my next run in the nude (don't worry, I stayed indoors!). Still got the rashes. They take 3 - 5 days to subside.

Don't know what's caused them this time, although I have been gardening and may have overdone it without realising (been using opiates to mask the PEM).

Also. I have a painful similar welt on the tip of my left thumb. Not sure if it's related, but it's like a bite or area of inflammation underneath the skin at the tip of the thumb.

Any thoughts?
Phoenix, Arizona
They are bigger than golf balls now, more like large fried eggs.

Dafuq is wrong with me?
Here is my inner elbow yesterday:

This is Ringworm. Don't worry, it isn't caused by a worm. I believe, as I recall, that it is a fungal infection. I'm surprised that you've not had an answer from your doctor. I'm not sure that I've heard of having numerous sites...but untreated, I could guess that a person could have the infection spread. A doctor should have easily identified this.

I could be wrong, but I would be surprised if I am. I am a Physical Therapist, sadly retired (inactive) now due to severe ME.

Let me know what your doctor says. It is treatable, but it would seem to me that with many loci and years of this, that treatment may need to be intensive and longer than normally...i.e. beyond the period of the Rings disappearing. Also, I would want (as I do now, but can't afford), to get treatment from a Functional Medicine doctor, not just one who claims it, but who has advanced training ideally. Also, there's much to be learned and gained, I believe, by addressing intestinal health and function specifically leaky gut syndrome with systemic problems and for ME in general. Again, I am really so unwell, that I can't keep up with things, nor get the help I would need to do so...good luck.

Phoenix, Arizona
See a dermatologist, soon as possible. There are some other fungus infections which maybe have similar presentations. If there is a delay there, then take photos of all sites, then see your Primary Care doctor in the meanwhile, they will prescribe an anti fungal med, which might reduce the symptoms or even make them go away. Then when you get into the Dermatologist, the photos might help them distinguish more specifically what type of fungus and the source of the original infection which might be of help. I don't know enough, I am very familiar with how things go under treated or misdiagnosed, just for lack of getting to the right doctor at the right time and one who will take in the whole picture.



It's official: it's Lyme.

Been having all sorts of flu like symptoms, a different kind of tiredness, and other stuff, and they did the blood test and found the little borrelia (sp?) critters in me. Interesting to note this is a UK NHS test that came back positive for me.

I reckon it's a disseminated reawakening of a 2.5 year infection I had (possibly even 20 year) but Doc seems to think I could have been bitten multiple times about 2 months ago(!).

Either way, it's antibiotics for me now, fingers crossed they sort it out.


Hoarder of biscuits
@Skippa, oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that the rash turned out to be Lyme. I hope the antibiotics will take care of things for you. This also means that in the future I won't tell anyone that their rash looks like ringworm:rolleyes:


Dx: strong belief system, avoidance, hypervigilant
Wow! Are you relieved to have a diagnosis? It's rare to get a positive test as well, isn't it? It would be pretty good to actually have a diagnosis I imagine?


Hi @GreyOwl It is a relief to finally know what is up, as not knowing was immensely frustrating, it was obvious *something* was afoot...

However, I'm not so sure that being told I've defo got Lyme is great or not... it's either a new infection for me to contend with, or evidence of a past infection that has taken hold and is quite happy to wake up and cause problems.

Either way, it's fairly well disseminated so I hope there aren't any "complications" in despatching it.

I guess there's always the chance that my CFS was chronic lyme all along... who knows? (Ha! Wishful thinking that a month of antibiotics is gonna cure me forever!)


Dx: strong belief system, avoidance, hypervigilant

Is your treatment this time the same as the last time you had it? When did you first/last have it?



Is your treatment this time the same as the last time you had it? When did you first/last have it?

I can't say for sure whether I last had it or not. I've been bitten by ticks several times, twice I got a local bullseye rash (once 2.5 years ago, once 20 years ago).