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Anyone knows when the suramin trial is going to happen?


wiggle jiggle
naviaux suramin trials: mid 2020

Naviaux is visiting the NEW Suramin manufacturing plant next week. It's just a waiting game now, likely early-mid 2020 for the Suramin trials to take place. Once things happen they will move quickly, free of the previous barriers, and if all goes well could have FDA approval in 2 years. Per Naviaux, last week.

Also - expect an exciting but unrelated announcement from him soon.
He was unable to get the drug from Bayer so began working with an investment group and a new manufacturer to produce their own Suramin. Soon, it will be readily available!


wiggle jiggle
@perrier i dont know anything. unfortunately.
but i believe, these pills may help many ppl - regardless of "diagnose".

wish, i could get it in regular dose/IV, somewhere.