Anyone know any orgs that can help me? (Not AMMES)


Senior Member
That specific org has never been able to help me with funds and always just said that there was an obscure federal benefit that I could apply for and maybe get in a few years, so they felt funding would be redundant. But I've had financial issue the whole time and can barely type without hurting my neck, and in my experience I have no energy to do benefits applications. Plus for health reasons I'm in temp housing in different state than home state so statewide benefits are certainly hard.

I do think trying to get private fundraising of some kind is best solution to my situation. I'm trying to afford both medical procedures and housing. The only income i have is SSI. Which is not only less than a living wage and less than rent in basically anywhere. It's also less than the cost of my medications for a month.

So I need fundraising asap.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Someone in my grief group was struggling with some financial needs and someone recommended dialing 211. It's suppose to be a resource line for finding help within the community.

I don't know if it will help but I had never heard of it before so thought maybe you hadn't either. I also have not tried to call it so far.

Just found this federal website on it:


Senior Member
@frozenborderline Since you have SSI, do you also have Medicaid without a share of cost? If so, you can get a caregiver to help you (for free). They would assess you for how many hours per week you qualify for and it sounds like you’d probably get the maximum number of hours. It is not a cash grant but still very useful b/c the caregiver could help w/personal care, housecleaning, driving you to medical appts, doing errands & grocery shopping, etc.


Senior Member
@frozenborderline Since you have SSI, do you also have Medicaid without a share of cost? If so, you can get a caregiver to help you (for free). They would assess you for how many hours per week you qualify for and it sounds like you’d probably get the maximum number of hours. It is not a cash grant but still very useful b/c the caregiver could help w/personal care, housecleaning, driving you to medical appts, doing errands & grocery shopping, etc.
I'm in temporary housing not in my home state rn , and whatnot, if it's anything like as long as SSI took, I dont know if I could even wait that long for benefits. I do know of that program, but my parents didnt help apply for the samereason, assuming it wouldn't be much $and there's no point ?,


Senior Member
I'm in temporary housing not in my home state rn , and whatnot, if it's anything like as long as SSI took, I dont know if I could even wait that long for benefits. I do know of that program, but my parents didnt help apply for the samereason, assuming it wouldn't be much $and there's no point ?,

I don't think it would matter that you are in temporary housing for the program that I am referring to which is called "in home supportive services" or IHSS. If you have SSI & Medicaid without a share of cost, then you would qualify. They would assess you and determine the number of hours that you qualify for based on your level of disability. I suspect that you'd currently qualify for the maximum number of hours per week. I don't think it would matter that your parents did not help you to apply for it when you initially applied for SSI and I believe that you can apply for it at any point (in whichever state you are currently living in).

As I understand it it can be paid to family members that are doing caregiving though. So in some ways i5s a win win or type of income bump for the family . But probably really hard to get and takes forever

This is correct and you do not have to select a caregiver from their list of referrals. If you have a family member that is able to be your caregiver, then that person can get paid by IHSS. So in that sense, it is a win-win b/c your family member would be getting paid by IHSS for providing your care (and I assume right now that person is providing the care without being paid). I can look for the info for you (if it would be helpful) but I am not sure which state you are currently in?


Senior Member
In new Jersey until surgery or plans change

I’ve been Googling this for you and it appears that IHSS is a California program vs. Federal which I did not realize. But there must be something comparable in New Jersey so I am going to keep looking until I figure it out.


Senior Member
I found some info for you in New Jersey (in the link below):

Even though it says "seniors" it also includes younger people on disability w/SSI & Medicaid. I have only worked as a social worker in CA and did not realize that in-home care programs (where a family member can be paid as a caregiver) varied so drastically per state! So disregard what I said a few posts up re: IHSS which turns out to be a CA program. But the link I attached in this post is for New Jersey. The program in NJ is called, "Personal Preference Program" or PPP. Here is some info from the link and hopefully it can help you:

Recognizing the needs and preferences of many of the state’s seniors, New Jersey’s Medicaid program offers the Personal Preference Program (PPP). The PPP provides financial assistance to elderly and/or disabled, Medicaid-qualified residents to help them live independently and manage their activities of daily living.

Based on the “Cash and Counseling” model, the program distributes to participants a budget that would otherwise be spent on services for them. Participants have the power to select their own care providers. Program participants can hire friends and family members, so relatives, including spouses, can be paid to be caregivers if they are at least 18 years old. Program participants who are cognitively challenged or unable to direct their own care can still participate in the program, given they elect a representative to assist in making decisions on their behalf. The representative may be a friend or relative, but cannot also be the hired caregiver. A fiscal intermediary agency handles the financial responsibilities, such as processing payroll and deducting taxes.

This program and the category of programs are referred to by many different names. The Personal Preference Program might also be referred to as Personal Care Assistance (PCA) services. Cash and Counseling programs, in general, are also known as consumer direction, self-direction and participant-direction.

How to Apply/Learn More:
This program is managed by the New Jersey Division of Disability Services (DDS), which is within the NJ Department of Human Services (DHS). A downloadable PDF about PPP is available here and additional information is found on the DHS’ website. Questions can be directed to DDS at 1-888-285-3036. To apply for the PPP program, one must be accepted into Medicaid in New Jersey and should then contact his or her Managed Care Organization (MCO). To apply for NJ Medicaid, one can start here.


Senior Member
Hi all I'm bumping this bc I'm very desperate. I need to fundraise 20-30 k more in next month to be able to do the treatments I need, and afford housing.

I'm thinking I need to think outside the box, and really market my fundraiser to lots of different people. Stuff like putting up fliers in cities with a qr code, or Mayne doing Google or Facebook ads to promote A website that helps put my story of illness and diagnosis out there... Maybe that could work. I also need to improve my websites with my story on them

But also I feel like I need to Gey the attention of a celebrity, even a minor celebrity, or disability advocate , that has a platforms of thousands of people online on social media. That would be helpful.

If any of you guys want to help , and you know people to contact like even minor celebrities or disability advocates , please lmk. Consider texting at 8025355708