Anyone know a good doctor in the Greater Manchester area?


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Hi @Jay Dezi - I tried the LP quite a few years ago, basically because I also knew someone (with a clear diagnosis of ME apparently) who had done well with it, although NOT recovered - and she has suffered relapses since then. To cut a long story short, it was a total waste of £600 :)bang-head:) and I got worse as a direct result. It does appear to be effective for some people (I believe especially younger ones) - but did they have ME in the first place?
But there are also some younger sufferers who do recover, and the LP could wrongly be regarded as the cause of such recovery.

By 'younger' I mean still at school, I believe. But not all of those can recover - a lot are as unlucky as the older ones.