Anyone investigated "chronic cerebal spinal insufficiency syndrome" for CFS ?


Senior Member
Yes I have had several consultations with him over the past year. They have been essential in learning the exercises and figuring out that I have TOS, and to discuss various things such as diagnosis, exercise schedules and surgical options. Kjetil answers each question thoroughly and with great specificity.
Great, I might go for it. I'd like to record if I have a session with him so I can look back over the exercises, I hope he's ok with that. I'll have to read up on TOS as I know little about it.
My theory about myself is that there is some issue with the back of my neck that is inhibiting blood flow and drainage etc to my brain, resulting in brain fog and a lower mental performance. When I lie down and "meditate" i.e. consciously relax my upper neck muscles and focus in on that mentally for a hour or so, I feel a significant boost, but this boost is lost fairly quickly.
Also, a change in air pressure going from high to low just about wipes me out - something that he mentions in his article specifically.
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Senior Member
Some of us were merely born this way. All of the treatments in the world won't matter. Some things I can change and others that were with me from day 1. And at my age (74) I'm lucky to even know that much. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Here is a great article that talks about posture and bio mechanical issues in the context of ME/CFS.

It is a long article and initially hard to parse, so if you have any specific questions I’d be happy to answer.
Bowser, thank you for the good information in this thread. I've had bad posture for so long, but just trying to stand up straight or correct the posture would only last for a few seconds. I do need to correct the posture in my neck. The young man with the exercises is very intelligent and the exercises look as if they will be very helpful.

I had bought a posture brace during the summer, but didn't wear it much because it was very uncomfortable. It corrects only part of the problem, and while that is necessary, the issues in my low back and neck made it very uncomfortable. Compression pants are seeming to help with low back posture; I wore the brace today and it wasn't quite as uncomfortable. These exercises for the neck issues are exactly what I need but didn't know it until I saw this thread.

I would like to add that I think the way I sleep is not good for my neck, but it's very hard to change. I don't know if it is partially the cause of most mornings waking up with a sick hypoxic feeling or not. But maybe I will be able to work out a way to correct that.

Thank you again
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