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Anyone in Melbourne Australia getting a diagnosis?


Senior Member
Hi there,

I am just wondering if anyone was able to get a diagnosis of CFS or Fibro in Melbourne, Australia? I went to dr Oldmeadow at the Alfred Fatigue Clinic who was pretty useless. He was all over the place.

I might need a diagnosis of Centrelink benefits and just wondering how on earth do you get a proper diagnosis?


Senior Member
Bega Valley , Australia
You'll need a convincing case for Centrelink if you're applying for Disability on 'fatigue ' grounds .
To be excused from job searching requirements you need a standard medical certificate.
Can't be anymore help from here.
A Fatigue Clinic !! Bloody hell. The things you can find in a city.


Senior Member
You'll need a convincing case for Centrelink if you're applying for Disability on 'fatigue ' grounds .
To be excused from job searching requirements you need a standard medical certificate.
Can't be anymore help from here.
A Fatigue Clinic !! Bloody hell. The things you can find in a city.

It wasn't that helpful. It's amazing what taxpayers money goes towards.

Hmm, yeah the thing is I work for myself which is fine because it allows me to pace myself and work my own hours and work on my food sensitivities with a dietician. If I had to work full-time I think all that effort would go down the sink, and I would surely crash again.

Still would like to know how people do get to claim disability. I mean I am more than happy to work, it's just that it has to manageable type work so I don't go backwards.


Senior Member
Bega Valley , Australia
I had a one man job until I fell over and passed out in the front yard. End of.........

Don't take my comments as gospel. You should confirm with Centrelink. ( Don't worry about the 150 million unanswered phone calls last financial year ).

For Disability it means you have to be full time disabled, otherwise you can try for Sickness benefits. Sickness requires medical certificate, Disability requires you get a medic to fill in half a book (Disability Application from Centrelink).

If you can get by on the part time hours you can work it will be easier not having to deal with Centrelink.
Rheumatologist might be your best bet - my Dr is happy to say she thinks I have CFS/ME and fibromyalgia but won't formally diagnose without me seeing a rheumatologist - I'm going to see Daniel Lewis in St Kilda in a few weeks who apparently has a special interest in the area.


Senior Member
Rheumatologist might be your best bet - my Dr is happy to say she thinks I have CFS/ME and fibromyalgia but won't formally diagnose without me seeing a rheumatologist - I'm going to see Daniel Lewis in St Kilda in a few weeks who apparently has a special interest in the area.
I would love to know how it goes!


The best CFS doc in this town is Donald Lewis at CFS Discovery in Mitcham.

There's normally a waiting list and it costs real money but he's the only one who is actually up to date with the research. Unfortunately he's old and I think he's trying to engineer his retirement by training up a new second in command, but he's lost several of them and had to start from scratch. That's all by the by really, but it explains why he only works a few days a week and why if you go to his clinic you're likely to be put with Dr McDonald rather than with Lewis himself.

Lewis takes an exploratory approach that doesn't make too many assumptions, so get ready to pay for a lot of tests. It is not a guaranteed fix but he will try pretty much anything that has a chance of improving your symptoms, and you can also get a diagnosis.

I'm assuming they know a bit about navigating the DSP, but haven't applied for it myself.


Senior Member
Rheumatologist might be your best bet - my Dr is happy to say she thinks I have CFS/ME and fibromyalgia but won't formally diagnose without me seeing a rheumatologist - I'm going to see Daniel Lewis in St Kilda in a few weeks who apparently has a special interest in the area.

@CatMad let ya know how you go there. Good luck
Follow up on this thread would be fantastic all!! I'm considering the current chronic fatigue clinics like the Alfred and some more detail on what exactly they try to cover (please oh please not just pacing...), interested in Dr Lewis also to try and rule a couple of things out and just get a CFS specialist opinion. But yes these places are always expensive! I'm going to try Neuro rehab group for cognitive symptoms etc..

Personally I don't place much faith in ME as a 'diagnosis' since the dr's haven't figured out exactly what it is, just focusing on what the treatments are for any and all conditions that are used for these sorts of symptoms.