Hi Everyone!
I've barely posted in ages because I've been going through hip replacement surgery (April 26) and now recovery. My comment here is that the greatest difficulty I've been experiencing during recovery is OI, specifically NMH. (Though I've never been officially diagnosed with this, I have the symptoms. Before this surgery I also got POTS-- not from standing for 10 mins but rather from needing to hurry and walk quickly while in a state of NMH.)
Okay, so post surgery, once I was able to stand and move at all, I found that during the night and all morning, I would rapidly go into NMH. So I needed an aide with me then to get to the commode or later the bathroom, and couldn't do Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy at all until just before lunch or later on in the afternoon.
They clocked me with very low BP and low heart rates at these middle-of-the-night or morning times and questioned whether I ought to be seen by a Cardiologist. During these spells of OI, my vision would go grey, I got very weak and lightheaded, I couldn't think, my coordination swiftly left, and most alarmingly, I struggled to breathe. In other words, my brain and breathing were shutting down as long as I was in an upright position. Of course this was dangerous as it would have caused me to crash to the floor--with dire consequences for my new hip and healing incision.
Thankfully I went to a good Rehab for 2 1/2 weeks post surgery where I had unfailing support; I learned my patterns, and now I am home at the point when I can take care of myself alone. One friend or another comes in each day to cheer me on, bring a meal or take care of an errand I can't do.
From my experience, I now highlight OI as one of the major symptoms of my CFS--right up there at the top of the list!