If you want to try HIV drugs on cfs/me it is very very easy in the US. The drug is called truvada ... It is basically viread and another AV. emtricitabine 200 mg and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg. It is prescribed as PreP or pre exposure prevention for HIV which a large amount of people have been taking for 5 or 6 years for this purpose. It is supposed to be 95% effective at preventing HIV ... That being said, I have cfs and was recently diagnosed after 5 or 6 years of constant fatigue. I started taking prep as purely preventative measure against HIV about a year ago. I did notice a major change for the better in my fatigue but it did not go away completely. After looking for answers to my fatigue I was finally diagnosed with cfs and put on valcyte and valtrex (along with truvada). I noticed a drastic change almost over night from there and I'm doing quite well. I only put 2 + 2 together today and equate my original slowly getting better this year to truvada but this was not over night. I did notice a change after about 3 months. ... The addition of the other AVs must be fighting off something else. After adding valtrex, my headaches, blurry vision and dizziness ended (sometimes I still get a little dizzy) ... Fatigue is still there slightly but at 20% what it was.
Starting truvada moved me from a scale of 5 to about 7. Valtrex and valcyte have pushed me to 8 and some days 9. I am at the gym 6 days a week now which would have been absurd over a year ago.
Getting onto truvada is fairly easy and covered by most insurance (it's 2500 a month) half the gay population in NYC is on it now to prevent HIV infection and there are signs in every subway promoting it in NYC. The company gilead actually pays your copay.
If you want to try antivirals it is fairly easy to get in but requires the same testing as other antivirals every few months.