Part of Cheneys protocol - for those who cannot afford to go to him personally
Agents from Cheney Protocol Predicted to Down-Regulate NO/ONOO- Cycle Biochemistry
High dose hydroxocobalamin (B12) injectionsnitric oxide scavenger
Whey proteinglutathione precursor
Guaifenesinvanilloid antagonist?
NMDA blockers
Magnesiumlowers NMDA activity
Taurineantioxidant and acts to lower excitotoxicity including NMDA activity
GABA agonistsGABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter to lower NMDA activitythese include the drug neurotin (gabapentin)
Histamine blockersmast cells which release histamine are activated by both nitric oxide and vanilloid stimulation (Chapter 7) and may therefore be part of the cycle mechanism
Betaine hydrochloride (HCl)Betaine lowers reductive stress, the hydrochloride form should only be used in those with low stomach acid. Betaine (trimethylglycine) is also listed separately in the protocol description
Flavonoids, including bioflavonoids, olive leaf extract, organic botanicals, hawthorn extract
Vitamin E (forms not listed)
Coenzyme Q10acts both as antioxidant and to stimulate mitochondrial function
a-lipoic acid
Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids
Melatoninas an antioxidant
Pyridoxal phosphateimproves glutamate/GABA ratio
Folic acidlowers uncoupling of nitric oxide synthases