Anyone have MdDs? Rocking boat and swaying sensation 24/7

I was wondering if anyone here has what is known as mdDs which is the abbreviation for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.

It is basically where you feel like you are constantly feeling self-motion sensations that consist of rocking/swaying or a gravitational pull of the body,

This came on for me about a year ago after years of never feeling this as a symptom so not sure what caused it, but it is honestly the worst symptom I have had. It feels like I am constantly swaying, on a floor that won't stop moving, being pulled by a magnet in different directions, or as if my body is being shaken.

It gets worse when I lay down and certain things make it even worse: Caffeine, stress, sugar, lack of sleep. It is usually brought on by a boat ride, but this wasn't the case for me and it was totally out of the blue.


I don't have it 24/7, but just randomly. Having it 24/7 sounds awful. When it happens to me, it feels like an earthquake or being in a boat. It was happening a lot throughout the day, but it's a lot less now for some reason. I hope yours lessens too.
I don't have it 24/7, but just randomly. Having it 24/7 sounds awful. When it happens to me, it feels like an earthquake or being in a boat. It was happening a lot throughout the day, but it's a lot less now for some reason. I hope yours lessens too.

Did you ever find out the cause?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Yeah, overdoing it and PEM does it to me.
I just ignore it, have to be a bit extra careful to not fall over. Its not severe in that its a top symptom for me but i definitely get this. I consider it shell shock.

Didn't know it was a bona fide condition.