Anyone had experience being treated at King's College London?

When I had CBT at the King's, the counsellor taped the sessions for their records. I wish I had got my own recording. That would have been very useful!

You probably won't get Dr Calder herself but I was given her book....and they all follow much the same script.
Did the old definition of BPD mean borderline line schizophrenia I still wonder.
I've seen BPD described as a misnomer and a common misdiagnosis on the way to a diagnosis of Autistic spectrum disorder.

BPD isn't schizophrenia no. Not even in the old sense. It's now referred to as Emptionally Unstable Personalitu Disorder as the original name was misleading.


Senior Member
I believe that in the past, borderline personality disorder was thought to be 'borderline' between neurosis and psychosis, but l don't understand what is going on with these PD'ed diagnoses these days.

My daughter has been told that she is BPD but l don't think it is correct and neither does her 23 year old daughter. We both think she is more sociopathic though she does the cutting and has problems regulating her emotions.

The criteria seems to be changing and also that for psychopathy. In the past, psychiatrists hated dealing with borderlines as they were considered to be too manipulative and controlling to get any honesty from them or co-operation.

Parents are blamed for borderlines but my daughter was not abused by any stretch of the imagination. None of the members of my family who know me the most including my mother, my other three sons, my second husband or my granddaughter blamed me in the least, yet the members who knew me less well like cousins and nieces, do blame me because my daughter has told them all sorts of untrue stories. This has come from her 23 year old daughter, my granddaughter who has heard her mother do it.

Borderlines are or were noted for this false accusation of parents and in fact anyone in the family, and they will lead you to believe that they are poor victims and everyone is an ***hole to them.

But nowadays it seems to have been reduced to being unable to manage emotions and the conduct disorder blamed on something else.

My daughter showed conduct disorder and antisocial behaviour from two years of age. Fortunately l am a trained nursery nurse and know her behaviour was abnormal otherwise l might have listened to the psychs and blamed myself. None of the family members l mentioned will or would have anything to do with her, not because of mental illness, which she also has because of drug abuse and the many medications she gobbles up, but because of how manipulative and controlling and frankly evil she is.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I can look back on my ME history and note various places where I dipped after an event, but never recovered the ability I had prior to that event. Some events were down to me being naive - others when I was being thran, and "not letting this beat me!" (Not a good idea. ;) )

One of those thran times was when I got the only clear round I've ever achieved in Agility competion with my dogs. I was already using a mobility scooter to compete, and this was a 2nd round when normally I stopped at one....
There are probably others who wonder what 'thran' means. I just looked it up, and here it says that it is Ulster-Scots for 'obstinate; stubborn; awkward'. :)