Anyone got a good constipation remedy?


Senior Member
A close relative of mine used to get this. She found out her blood sugar levels were quite high and had to change her diet. She came right and doesn't get the chronic constipation that then lead to the pain spasms and diarrhea. I'm really not sure if it was due to the high blood sugar levels or the change in diet or maybe both helped? Just thought I would mention it in case it may have something to do with it?
Thanks so much. So am I correct to assume the change in diet was cutting out sugar, or did she have to go more extreme like no sugar or fruit or carbs at all?


Senior Member
Thanks so much. So am I correct to assume the change in diet was cutting out sugar, or did she have to go more extreme like no sugar or fruit or carbs at all?
If I remember rightly she cut down on fats and sugar enough to get her levels down. It was quite a few years ago. She had been having milkshakes everyday and too much in the way of sugary drinks, so she cut right down. There may not be a connection but it really seemed like it to me because the bowel problems stopped when her blood sugar levels came down. So a question mark but thought I would mention it to you anyway.


Senior Member
Anyone tried the cave man squat? It may not solve all issues but it sure does help. We've sitting the wrong way to eliminate for many, many years, and the powers that be knew it.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Birch sap (hope it is the real translation from "sève de bouleau" in French) helps a lot with constipation. Morning : 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.


wiggle jiggle
Birch sap (hope it is the real translation from "sève de bouleau" in French) helps a lot with constipation. Morning : 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
just read about this (new hype) too.
i was looking for a superstrong allergen. and apparently, birch pollen is the strongest allergen out there.
but they are using the sap.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
just read about this (new hype) too.
i was looking for a superstrong allergen. and apparently, birch pollen is the strongest allergen out there.
but they are using the sap.

@roller, thanks for the info, I didn't know the problem with birch POLLEN. I want just to add that I am very sensitive to a million things (multiple allergies with food, chemicals, pollen, dust etc), but I tolerate birch sap without any issue.


Senior Member
There could be a motility problem. Gastroparesis

There's debate over whether the cause is vagus nerve or muscular, or other.

There's some speculation about certain microbial infections causing gastroparesis, or other motility problems.
Diabetics often have gastroparesis.

I've had symptoms of it with nausea, burping, bloating even 6-7 hours after eating.

Constipation, though, has been my norm.

I've been helped most by taking the antibiotic, erythromycin, It's also a prokinetic,( stimulates peristalsis).


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
There could be a motility problem. Gastroparesis

There's debate over whether the cause is vagus nerve or muscular, or other.

There's some speculation about certain microbial infections causing gastroparesis, or other motility problems.
Diabetics often have gastroparesis.

I've had symptoms of it with nausea, burping, bloating even 6-7 hours after eating.

Constipation, though, has been my norm.

I've been helped most by taking the antibiotic, erythromycin, It's also a prokinetic,( stimulates peristalsis).

Gastroparesis symptoms can include early satiety, nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain and involuntary weight loss. If you have constipation or diarrhea as well, there is a newly described clinical entity that is a limited manifestation of autoimmune dysautonomia called Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Dysmotility (AGID), the prevalence of which is not known yet.
For constipation in general, colorectal surgeon, Dr Michael Levitt, promotes the use of magnesium sulfate before resorting to surgery. He has developed an encapsulated magnesium sulfate product, COLOCAP Balance as his protocol for treating constipation and as a way to avoid the chemical taste.

His plan for relieving constipation is to take it in large dose, 15 tablets over 1/2 an hour, but only once or twice a week. His book, “The Other Women's Movement” explains his thoughts on the subject. Some centres here in Australia are also now using this as a colonoscopy prep.

The idea is to promote a strong urge that can clear the bowel completely in one go so that it can relax from being empty. This can then enable the bowel to shrink back in size and become more sensitive to the natural urge to move your bowels.

Personally, I just use plain Epsom Salts, between 6 and 10 grams daily depending on the previous day's response, something I've been doing for close on 20 years. You can mix it in to juice, cordial etc to mask the taste.

You can combine it, or some other form of magnesium, with cayenne pepper capsules, something which I find too powerful as it moves my bowels too much. -bullet-for-colonic-inertia/

There are a couple of other products I've come across for constipation relief using magnesium and also incorporating an oxygenation process that is said to aid in the digestive process. They are Colosan and Homozon. Ageless Hydro-C is another thing that I have seen some positive press about.

A novel idea I came across recently was nicotine patches placed on the abdomen near the ileocecal valve which helps if the valve is not opening in response to the nicotonic acetylcholine signalling process. relief/


Senior Member
Thanks @kangaSue ;

Magnesium used to work for me, but then it stopped and made constipation worse, insomnia too. Had it measured in blood, was highest normal. Usually it's because of a kidney problem, but I didn't have signs or symptoms.

I've read about low choline and low acetylcholine causing constipation, and we do seem to have an actetylcholine signalling issue here at PR.

For myself, the constipation looks to have an infectious cause, ( overgrowth of methanogens in intestines), and possibly other microbes.

Treating myself with abx has been the best intervention I've tried so far, and, how I've tried.

Many folks will benefit from magnesium, choline (maybe), etc., and I hope they do. It's a much simpler approach.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I was sent home from hospital with horrendous iatrogenic constipation (caused by fluid restriction when I was probably already dehydrated), no medication for it and no way of getting any quickly.

After a bit of research I picked some feverfew (leaves and possibly flowers) from my garden, made a tea with it and drank it in sips.

I can't remember how long it took - about 24 hours perhaps - but the result was wonderful!


Clearly there are about as many different experiences as there are posters to this thread. For years I was suffering from diarrhea often following gut cramps. The worst is waking at 5 AM in January and knowing I have 5 seconds to get to a freezing bathroom in the dark. I was taking a lot of Lomotil. It helped when I was also prescribed Mebeverine which got rid of the cramps for a time and reduced the diarrhea as a consequence. Over time the Mebevcerine was replaced by the modified release version. The Lomotil was phased out as I had to take more and more codeine and now I am on a high dose modified release codeine. This as you are aware is highly constipating, not a condition that I had really known before. The GP added Fybogel (ispaghula husk) to my prescription, once a day. I sometimes wonder about trying twice a day, but I still have gut cramps breaking through occasionally. I can live with the current regime. Of course I could get rid of the constipation by giving up the codeine. Ha. Ha. I know I still have the cramps and diarrhea waiting patiently behind the mask of my medication. The Fybogel is a small sachet of powder mixed into a orange or lemon drink with a glass of water. It is something you can get from the supermarket too. It is a gentle way of relieving the problem. It is enough to make me more comfortable. I don't want anything more powerful as I don't know what it might do to be as my constipation is not a fundamental problem but a result of my medication. Still it is useful to know the range of options that the rest of you have described.

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
My bowel grinds to a halt without probiotics, I take two different brands with differing strains everyday and change brands every month or so.
Liquorice sticks from the wholefood shop do the business too.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Thanks @kangaSue ;

Magnesium used to work for me, but then it stopped and made constipation worse, insomnia too. Had it measured in blood, was highest normal. Usually it's because of a kidney problem, but I didn't have signs or symptoms.

I've read about low choline and low acetylcholine causing constipation, and we do seem to have an actetylcholine signalling issue here at PR.

For myself, the constipation looks to have an infectious cause, ( overgrowth of methanogens in intestines), and possibly other microbes.

Treating myself with abx has been the best intervention I've tried so far, and, how I've tried.

Many folks will benefit from magnesium, choline (maybe), etc., and I hope they do. It's a much simpler approach.
Dr David Borody who is one of the fecal transplant pioneers also believes that constipation is as the result of infectous causes;
[ At the Centre for Digestive Diseases long standing research in this area has indicated that the most likely cause of the common variety constipation found in the majority of patients is caused by an infection with a bacterial agent that has entered the bowel through the mouth and has begun to coexist with normal human bowel flora. Its presence in the bowel flora is marked by the production of molecules within the bowel which affect the enteric nervous system so partially paralysing the bowel. If the constipation agent produces severe paralysis the bowel may not empty for days or weeks. Most commonly very mild forms are present and people tend to overcome this with simple methods such as excessive fibre or even chemical laxatives such as naturally occurring teas which may contain senna. However, worldwide the research on constipation has been extremely slow because it has been hidden by an overwhelming belief both in the lay and medical population that it is the lack of fibre which causes constipation. We now know that nothing can be further from the truth since removal of fibre from the diet of healthy patients does not cause constipation.]

I've read a few success stories now from people doing FMT purely for constipation.


wiggle jiggle
im wondering, why they wouldnt consider the mothers implant as the first line treatment.
as long as she is not affected.
we are born with her immune system/microbes. that should be our best 'reset' possible?


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I have a paralyzed colon suspected from methane.

I am looking to try nicotine patch. Did anyone try????
I've had a couple of people tell me it works for them. There are testimonies on Dr Driscoll's website at if you take stock in that sort of anecdotal account. You need only place 1/4 of a nicotine patch over the approximate area of the ileocecal valve- about 7cm to the right of your navel and 7cm down in an adult which should give you a bowel movement (I think within a couple of hours was the time frame) if a lack of acetylcholine signalling is the problem.


Senior Member
I've had a couple of people tell me it works for them. There are testimonies on Dr Driscoll's website at if you take stock in that sort of anecdotal account. You need only place 1/4 of a nicotine patch over the approximate area of the ileocecal valve- about 7cm to the right of your navel and 7cm down in an adult which should give you a bowel movement (I think within a couple of hours was the time frame) if a lack of acetylcholine signalling is the problem.

I ordered ALPHA GPC which is in their expensive parasymp product. Gargling helps me so i hope this will!


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia

I ordered ALPHA GPC which is in their expensive parasymp product. Gargling helps me so i hope this will!
If stimulating the vagus nerve with gargling helps, you might want to give some thought to trying Mestinon (pyridostigmine). It is often tried for gastroparesis, usually as a last resort when nothing else has worked but I've heard of it being successful used for constipation alone. Being on the PBS it's not too hard on the purse either.


Senior Member
If stimulating the vagus nerve with gargling helps, you might want to give some thought to trying Mestinon (pyridostigmine). It is often tried for gastroparesis, usually as a last resort when nothing else has worked but I've heard of it being successful used for constipation alone. Being on the PBS it's not too hard on the purse either.

Maybe, im scared of drugs though


Senior Member
I too have a significant problem, my wife has been pushing prune juice for years. I gave it a go, I now drink 10 to 12 oz. before bed time. It's the only thing that has helped in 2 to 3 years. I'm not completely regular but I am vastly improved.
Initially it required multiple glasses throughout the day, and caused some stomach issues, but that now has resolved. Earlier in my experience I had some success with ultra high doses of vit. C.