Yes, I'm in Dorset. I ask my GP to do liver blood tests from time to time, they were within normal range last check, but it does fluctuate.
Our experiences sound quite similar.
At one stage, I was jumping from one organ/body system to the next, stomach, bowel, liver, gall-bladder, with equal conviction there was something wrong. I drove myself, my family and my GP mad. I felt so ill that I was convinced that there was something seriously wrong. The level of worry and anxiety was no fun. Having had these tests before though, I do try and reassure myself when the symptoms flare up from time to time, as they seem to.
I've not been able to get on top of the anxiety so far, I would love to though, it would make such a difference to be more peaceful and have better sense of being able to cope. The best thing I found for me was valerian in quite big doses, but my doctor doesn't want me taking it at the moment because of other meds I'm taking. I was just looking through the 'completely eliminated my severe anxiety with three supplement's thread and was wondering about trying the NAG/flaxseed oil/ turmeric combination. I've tried so many things over time though and finances are tight, so I'm not as quick to jump onto suggestions as I was once was. But, I might have to give it a go I think.