The problem with nearly all stool tests, including the DNA stool test whether by Genova, Metametrixs, or Dr. Amin's lab is that it won't pick up many parasites due to the fact these tests cannot pick up decomposed DNA. The parasites die & decompose while they are mailed and shipped. This is why Dr. Cahill is so invaluable to the medical profession, because he actually tests a fresh sample like they used to do in the past. Back in the day doctors would put on a glove and take a fresh sample around your anus to extract some stool to check for parasites and for blood. They would also check fresh feces, too. Doctors no longer would do anything considered so "degrading" today. Even the fresh stool samples have high levels of testing failure, but it's much lower than the other tests.
My insurance completely covers these DNA stool tests and I would never take another. I believe it's a waste of money, so do many doctors and I can see why. To give a personal example, I took one from Genova and another, I can't recall where, maybe Doctor's Data. Both were negative. I believe I had strongylori (lung worm) and I know for a fact I had and still have amoebas and tapeworms. If it rains too many days in a row, my stomach acts up. Sign of amoebas If I take high doses of narcotics, I can actually see the tapeworms floating in the toilet bowl separate from the stool. It's hard to miss two or three 5" long white rope-looking things.
Speaking of treating worms: As you can imagine I have tried everything you can imagine.Some treatments work better than others for some parasites and not others. For example, I had some parasite upsetting me. I baked everything I ate at 250*F for 3 days in extra virgin olive. Felt great afterwards. Many worms cannot tolerate such high levels of olive oil and will literally explode and die. This works well for dogs and cats, too. I do this every so often. I've tried Ivermectin. It's an amazing drug. I was given Ivermectin for the lungworms. It was miraculous. I can't tell you how great I felt. It was like experiencing the joy of a new sunny day. However, the worms came back. Tried to take more felt better, but still came back. Put a drop or 2 of wild tansy essential oil in a nebulizer with enough saline solution to dilute it and haven't had problems now in 9 months. Will see how I feel when it gets hot. Deseret Biologicals makes a great parasite cleanse which works wonders in amoebas. You can never get completely rid of them. However having them does confer benefit. When everyone else is sick for 3-5 days or hospitalized from drinking polluted water due to main breaks, I rarely get sick and if I do it doesn't last more than 2 hours. Hulda Clark makes one of the best parasite cleanse kits. It's the only one that I've ever tried that gets rid of tapeworms, too. However, you can get rid of tapeworms by taking high doses of oxycodone or other narcotics. Whether it kills them or it "stones" the little buggers, you'll see them floating in your stool. Scabies is a parasite, but not a worm: It's miniature mites. Best way to get rid of them: sulfur dip just make sure it doesn't get anywhere near your eyes or your pets eyes. It can cause blindness.