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Anyone else: Main Symptom mental fatigue?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I wonder if we all in Chinese Medicine would be found to have "excess wind" energy.

Well, the herbs I take currently total 38 for my basic formula and an additional 4 for my digestion.

Somebody else might have excess wind but exhibit some other mix of conditions hence a good Chinese herbalists is prescribing an individual formula for each patients unique needs and making adjustments over time.

I started with a mix of things and took them for 10 months before the symptom: a severe rash, cleared out over two weeks. I had already given up, but kept up the herbs because they help me feel a little better.

I also studied Tai Chi and spent time with a Master , Wu Method. I've directly experienced that energy, and one can send somebody across the room without touching them. Tai Chi is ultimately a healing protocol, and I wish I could have continued to learn those aspects, but "stuff happened". And I have too many spinal problems to effectively deploy it, another aspect of "this body not working right".


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I also studied Tai Chi and spent time with a Master , Wu Method. I've directly experienced that energy, and one can send somebody across the room without touching them. Tai Chi is ultimately a healing protocol, and I wish I could have continued to learn those aspects, but "stuff happened". And I have too many spinal problems to effectively deploy it, another aspect of "this body not working right".

I went to classes and did Tai Chi for 3 years ... not with the grandmaster who tried to heal me but with another teacher).

I tried Western Hebal Medicine and Chinese Medicine for that time. The Naturopathy collage I was at they taught and had teachers in both those things. None of this ever helped on ANY of my ME symptoms though I tried those things long term. Tried Chinese Medine for a least a year and Western Herbal Medicine for several years.

In fact it actually ended up causing me an issue. After I got sick with the ME, though I'd been doing it for about 2 years before I first got sick, once I got ME, I was during Tai Chi classes actually devloping painful lumps in my back which were restricting my moment during (it was causing me severe energy blockages from too much energy).
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Just Want to bring this Thread up again.

Things that did Not help for me:
- BPC-157
- D-ribose
- Acetyl-L-carnitin + Alpha lipoic acid
- methylation Protocol
- modafinil
- bupropion
- several Vitamins and minerals
- ....

Things that helped:
- coffeine helps minimally in Short Term but worsening afterwards
- *mental pacing*

Things on my List to try next:
- ritalin / adderal (Need a Dr First who will prescribe it)

Did anyone with Main Symptom mental fatigue and tiredness / brain fog find a helpful Supplement or Drug?
I would be really grateful if you Share your experience

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Tried Chinese Medine for a least a year and Western Herbal Medicine for several years.

I've been doing Chinese traditional herbs for about 10 years and find them very very helpful.

But its not CLEARED this out. It reduces the intensity of some of the symptoms. I've gone after specific things and usually get some relief.

I don't do many western herbs because they lack a time-tested protocol and aren't part of "a system".
Severe mental Fatigue, which worsens gradually over the day.
You mentioned that your cognitive issues worsen over the course of the day. That reminded me of a patient with a spinal fluid leak as described in this video of a lecture at Stanford Medical School. Most people with spinal fluid leak have headache, but not all. He describes one person who had no headache but got increasingly confused over the course of the day. Very tall people, and people with connective tissue disorders are at higher risk.

Before I got ME/CFS, I definitely did my best at work requiring intense concentration in the morning. Now, I avoid mentally challenging tasks most of the time because it just seems so tiring! When I am particularly exhausted I lose my ability to keep track of things, like forgetting to bring my purse when going shopping, or taking a wrong turn and getting lost on my way home.
Like you, I do not have a problem with pain, and my ME/CFS did not start as the result of an infection. I get PEM from anxiety and stress. I can't say for certain if I get PEM from physical activity, I just know i tire far more quickly than I used to. Also, I quickly tire from making too many decisions, such as when trying to shop for Christmas presents, or trying to figure out how to reduce or organize clutter.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I find Lion's mane give a subtle cognitive boost. It gives me food intolerance symptoms for the first couple weeks but that side effect dies down over time

Microdosing helps too. My health behaviors always improve the periods I microdose
Hi to all,

i was just wondering if some people here also experience more pure "CFS like" symptoms rather than "ME".
For me my 4 main symptoms are:
1. Severe mental Fatigue, which worsens gradually over the day. Normally when its afternoon or later i need to fight for staying conscious.
2. Brain Fog and problems with thinking, especially when fatigue is getting more severe over the day
3. Sleep Problems
4. Worsening of fatigue and PEM mainly after emotional or mental stress or hard cognitive work. Physical activity also causes PEM, but not in such extent

For me i feel like this is not "real ME", as i don't have Muscle weaknes, pain, flu like feeling, headaches or onset linked to a certain event.
My onset in 2011 was rather gradual over a timespan for at least 3 months, but i really can't specify more precise.

Anyone else with similar symptoms?


Mine is similar, mainly mental fatigue with lesser physical fatigue.

Stress can make it a lot worse, but my mood and positivity can have a positive impact.