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Anybody try 714x ?

I've been on it for about 11 days now, feel alot better, fungus is clearing on my toes and thumb, could be methylation.. increased folate, i'm homozygous mthfr c667t so not sure whats going on, but something is working. Better energy, brain turning back on.. etc

It's supposed to detoxify the lymph system which aids the immune system, will do another blood analysis in 20 days or so to confirm it's working. my lymphs have been showing congestion in the past.. Anybody have any experience to share?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
From wikipedia:

or 714X, also referred to as "trimethylbicyclonitramineoheptane chloride", is a mixture of substances manufactured by CERBE Distribution Inc and sold as an alternative medical treatment which is claimed to cure cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and other diseases.[1] There is no scientific evidence that 714-X is effective in treating any kind of cancer,[2] and its marketing is considered a form of health fraud in the US.

It didn't say it was banned.

714X or Trimethylaminohydroxybicycloheptane Chloride is an immune system booster that operates through the lymph system. In Canada, the home of the developer, over 4,000 prescriptions of 714X have been written. There have never been any clinical trials for 714X.

Well, I'll know if it's working when I look at my blood again in the next 3 weeks.. It
s supposed to serve three purposes basically,

Step 1 in ungunks your lymph system,
Step 2 it provides trace minerals through lymph system to help your immune system communicate better.
can't remember step 3 lol..

I was mostly interested in the lymphs, I do sauna, rebounding, almost daily for months and my blood assessments still show congested lymphs..This crushes your immune system.

As far as it being banned.. I'll take the risk. I've been in hell for 3 years and I've seen a lifetimes worth of doctors in said 3 years. I've paid my dues to the "system" got me nowhere
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@matters I for sure want to here how you do with this. I'm on on immune modulators that I get "elsewhere" and I feel better. As for paying your dues for 3 year, try 20. You're a baby when it comes to dealing with this stuff.
Yea, i'm sure, and no disrespect..
it's just been so much suffering.. waking up every 3 minutes from some weird jerk in my brain. not sleeping for 3 days at a time, urinating 40 times a day, losing 3 teeth at the same time, infection on top of infection.. fungus taking over my gut, nails, losing my personality, sex drive, it's broken me.. but I'm getting better, slowly. never stop fighting.. I'll keep you posted btw
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
None taken but you do realize that many of us here have been through that and more for many more years. So 3 years is a drop in the bucket to us.

That in no way minimizes what you are going through, I just wish 3 years in I had access to stuff like I'm taking now.

That's why I and others will try anything we can get our hands on too to get a grip on this F'ing disease.
yea, no doubt 20 years ago there really wasn't much of an internet to do research with.. and the disease wasnt' even recognized.. even today it still goes into the "black box"

.What are you taking now?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Actually they knew about CFS when I got sick in 94. Back then it was like now, finding a doc who got it, but they didn't know about viruses then. I did know someone who was getting Interferon injections.

I am taking Famvir and then I am alternating monthly between Immunovir, Cycloferon and Arbidol. The last 2 are interferon inducers. Also methylation, LDN and a buttload of supplements

And hey, internet was around then, I mean it wasn't the dinosaur age!
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Lol. yea i know I was online in 96. but it wasn't the information superhighway.. More like information dirt road. :)

Your immune system sounds battered. Mine is too..


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@matters I know I have an immune deficiency but the immunologist AKA allergist never sent me the labs to do the pneumovax challenge.

I'm seeing a new PCP today so if he wants to run labs I'll contact the immunologist for the 5th time to try to get them. But it's a mess for sure.