Any Thoughts about these blood tests?


Northern Vermont
My brainfog prevents me from navigating and finding home pages and stuff depending on the day. Maybe I can find my own and post it.....I will try Roxie60.


Northern Vermont

Here is a posting I did back in November 2010 with tests my Doctor used. After these test, (My Doctor took care of it all) he put me on 25mg of DHEA and 5000 I.U.'s of Vitamin D-3 twice a day. I also purchase pre-filled syringes of vitamin B-12 that is made up in a compounding pharmacy in Birmingham Alabama. Wellness Pharmacy. Only B-12 injection can bypass the blood brain barrier. Sublingual B-12 can do this but not as effectively. B-12 really helps with my brain function. These tests show that half of my immune system is dormant which is why I am so..................................sick and in chronic pain?

I hope this helps. Currently on GcMAF. Trying to fight the good fight with one frontal lobe tied behind my back!
Good Luck roxie60! Stay in touch.

November 11,2010​
I just received my new lab results indicating that Ion top of being XMRV positive (sept 2010) I tested positive for HHV-6 ( 3.45), Chlamydia Pneumoniae AB IGM (>1:256), Cytomegalovirus AB IGG CMV IgG (3.1), anemia (on going) High C-Reactive Protein, Vitamin D defiency (29), (in spite of taking 3,000 I.U. a day!) Low DHEA Sulfate (15.0), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IGG AB (104) Low Testosterone (258) on going, and it suggestive of a past Epstein Barr Virus infection.​
I guess all this is what lies underneath XMRV? Of course I sent this to the medical practice that had dismissed me for being a drug seekiing malingerer and a hypo-chondriac.​
I continue on Valcyte and thank God that my insurance covers it. This is all good news because I now know what I am dealing with. Still it gives one pause.​
Nov 11, 2010