Any scientific proof that Epsom salt absorbs Magnesium transdermally?


Senior Member
I'd have to calculate it using molecular weight to wor out what percentage of mag chloride is actually magnesium... I don't remember how to do that, it's 8 years since I did my GCSE Chemistry lol.

You can use an online molecular weight calculator like this one, which will tell you that:

MgCl2 magnesium chloride — Mg content = 26% of mass
MgSO4 magnesium sulphate — Mg content = 20% of mass

You can look up solubility figures, but I've found that in 750 ml of water, you get around 500 grams of magnesium sulphate (two mugfuls) dissolving. Magnesium chloride is also very soluble in water, so I think you'd get at least that amount dissolving as well.

Some people find magnesium chloride is itchy on the skin though, which is why magnesium sulphate can be better.

Are you sure you its not just sulphite (used as a preservative) you are intolerant to, rather than sulphur or sulphate? Sulphur is an essential mineral, and sulphate is used by the liver for detoxification purposes.


Senior Member
Are you sure you its not just sulphite (used as a preservative) you are intolerant to, rather than sulphur or sulphate? Sulphur is an essential mineral, and sulphate is used by the liver for detoxification purposes.

My bad days seem to correlate with when I've used more of the magnesium sulphate spray. Could be a coincidence, but I don't think so. Could be the magnesium that's the issue rather than the sulphate, but the sulphate seems more likely.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I would say this absolutely 100% works. I followed @Hip 's recipe completely and I noticed my muscle weakness pretty much disappeared. I became a lot stronger, no longer feeling very physically weak after exertion. I even managed a 2 and a hour drive last week. However this was a combination of reishi extract, magnesium spray and BCAA's so a fairly big cocktail and I felt fairly unwell for a few days after that and subsequently came down with an unpleasant cold.

At any rate the magnesium spray is a win with epsom salts. So much cheaper than the oil. The only issue I had was getting it to dissolve haha, but I'm all sorted now. It's actually made me a bit giddy. However it wasn't a mood booster on its own. I recently ran out of fish oil and that left me very depressed and anxious for ages and the magnesium had no effect on my mood at all. As soon as I added the fish oil back in, I could control negative thoughts and anxiety.

Also when I first got sick in 2016 I did start using magnesium oil. It took weeks to work but I began feeling much better. Suffice to say that for me, this gets rid of the muscle fatigue in the cells of the muscles and the tissues. I do still get some fatigue, but honestly not a lot. So I would recommend this. I trialed the spray for 7 days and also discontinued it for a few days and noticed no adverse effects.