Any Other Male CFS Patients have Male Andropause along with CFIDS ?


Senior Member
@Hate ME/CFS yea whatever is bothering u is stealing away the bldg blocks to build those steroids. I think the drug route is too harsh long term have u tried pregnegolone? It's more upstream than those injections and the body actually gets to decide where the steroids actually goes and what needs to me made.
There are cheaper gh peptides given by injection eg ghrp2 and ghrp6 which are said to increase GH, used by bodybuilders, antiaging people and to recover from injuries. No personal experience with it but its a cheaper laternative to real GH.

My understanding most items taken orally dont do much for gh stimulation.
I'll have to ask Dr P about Peptides. Thanks for the suggestion. I know that Dr. P does have some patients who don't have CFIDS, come to him for anti-aging injections.
@Hate ME/CFS yea whatever is bothering u is stealing away the bldg blocks to build those steroids. I think the drug route is too harsh long term have u tried pregnegolone? It's more upstream than those injections and the body actually gets to decide where the steroids actually goes and what needs to me made.
I'm concerned too about what the HGH Injections could be doing to my liver and kidneys. No, I've never tried Pregnegolone. I will ask Dr. P about that when I see him in Oct


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
@Hate ME/CFS yea whatever is bothering u is stealing away the bldg blocks to build those steroids. I think the drug route is too harsh long term have u tried pregnegolone? It's more upstream than those injections and the body actually gets to decide where the steroids actually goes and what needs to me made.

Thats a good call. Alot of antiaging/andropause guys tune up their pregnenolone and dhea levels first and then add testosterone if needed, which it seems alot of aging men do.

Also testosterone treatment can reduce the production of preg and dhea, so its good to take them while on TRT.

The other thing they do is monitor their E2 level and keep it in a healthy range, not too high or too low.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I'm concerned too about what the HGH Injections could be doing to my liver and kidneys. No, I've never tried Pregnegolone. I will ask Dr. P about that when I see him in Oct

The things is with these hormones is that they are given in doses to get one to a normal level, so their should be too many risks, there seems to be more health risks in having to lower hormons. I think GH is a big issue for many cfsers because our sleep is so crappy and this is when most of our GH is produced.

Also generally speaking injections are safe then taking things orally especially on the liver and kidneys. I know oral testosterone/steroids can be harsh on the liver.

Do you think the GH has helped your sleep?
The things is with these hormones is that they are given in doses to get one to a normal level, so their should be too many risks, there seems to be more health risks in having to lower hormons. I think GH is a big issue for many cfsers because our sleep is so crappy and this is when most of our GH is produced.

Also generally speaking injections are safe then taking things orally especially on the liver and kidneys. I know oral testosterone/steroids can be harsh on the liver.

Do you think the GH has helped your sleep?
No, it hasn't helped my sleep unfortunately. Your right about GH being produced at night. Dr P checks my blood regularly to make sure nothing bad is happening.