Any Other Male CFS Patients have Male Andropause along with CFIDS ?

Dr. Daniel Peterson, who is my CFS Dr, put me on a nightly regimen of Human Growth Hormone Injections, and twice monthly testosterone injections. Besides having CFIDS, I also have hypogonadism, low testosterone and i'm Growth Hormone deficient. It's sort of like having Male Andropause.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Sounds good, doctors here will only hand out the crappy gels and creams after u bend their arm. The only thing i would say is that the current recommendations are to have weekly doses of testosterone to give more even blood levels. So instead of 200/250mg of T a fornight, many are finding 100mg of T weekly works better, thats what i have read on the subject, but also keep an eye on E2 in blood tests as it can raise after TRT?

Growth hormone would be interesting, good you can afford it? I have heard that it has fixed some peoples sleep issues. One guy i was in contact with but lost contact over the years said he used GH for 1 years and now sleeps normally. I stopped using it after the 1 year and continued to sleep well. This really interests me. Like to know how u go on it?



Senior Member
Yes I have really low hormone levels. Hgh is one of the best things I have tried but is far too expensive. How many i.u. Are you taking?
Sounds good, doctors here will only hand out the crappy gels and creams after u bend their arm. The only thing i would say is that the current recommendations are to have weekly doses of testosterone to give more even blood levels. So instead of 200/250mg of T a fornight, many are finding 100mg of T weekly works better, thats what i have read on the subject, but also keep an eye on E2 in blood tests as it can raise after TRT?

Growth hormone would be interesting, good you can afford it? I have heard that it has fixed some peoples sleep issues. One guy i was in contact with but lost contact over the years said he used GH for 1 years and now sleeps normally. I stopped using it after the 1 year and continued to sleep well. This really interests me. Like to know how u go on it?

Thanks for responding to my post. My level of T-Inj is 400 mg, and my HGH level is 0.04 I think that it has helped me the most, even more than Amino Acid IV injections. To go on HGH Injections, you first need to have a Stem Test done. The Stem Test entails a Dr injecting you with a pre-determined dosage of HGH, and you get 5 blood draws every half hour. The reason for the blood draws is to determine how much of the HGH your body has accepted. I had this done in 2007, and my body accepted only 20% of the HGH, but to me, it felt like 80%.
Thanks for responding to my post. My level of T-Inj is 400 mg, and my HGH level is 0.04 I think that it has helped me the most, even more than Amino Acid IV injections. To go on HGH Injections, you first need to have a Stem Test done. The Stem Test entails a Dr injecting you with a pre-determined dosage of HGH, and you get 5 blood draws every half hour. The reason for the blood draws is to determine how much of the HGH your body has accepted. I had this done in 2007, and my body accepted only 20% of the HGH, but to me, it felt like 80%.
Luckily, my Medicare Part D insurer, covers my HGH, so my co-pay portion is around $100.
Hi you in Australia?
Do you know why your body could only utilize 20%?
Im in the United States. The fi
Hi you in Australia?
Do you know why your body could only utilize 20%?
I live in the United States, Northern California to be exact. My body only accepted 20% because the first dose injected is extremely high, and my body couldn't accept all of it. But that 20% made me feel better for 5-6 days, and at times, I felt better than I did before I got CFIDS.


Senior Member
Have you had a prolactin test done yet? Elevated prolactin can inhibit the action of FSH and LH and thus push down testosterone levels.


Senior Member
@Hate ME/CFS I am female but have also tested low on HGH twice. My endo said I could do that stim test you described but I declined at the time b/c I was confused what it was and didn't like the idea of being injected with something and then having to give five blood draws b/c my veins are so bad.

He also said it involved some kind of MRI to rule out a brain issue as the cause of low HGH (unless I misunderstood him?). Do you take the shots daily now and recommend them? Are there any side effects?
@Hate ME/CFS I am female but have also tested low on HGH twice. My endo said I could do that stim test you described but I declined at the time b/c I was confused what it was and didn't like the idea of being injected with something and then having to give five blood draws b/c my veins are so bad.

He also said it involved some kind of MRI to rule out a brain issue as the cause of low HGH (unless I misunderstood him?). Do you take the shots daily now and recommend them? Are there any side effects?
Hi Gingergrrl,
Before Dr Peterson had me do the Stim test, he requested that I have and MRI & Spinal Tap done to rule out a brain issue as the cause of low HGH. Yes, I have to inject myself daily before bed time, and I would recommend them. I haven't had any side effects, and this is my 6th year of HGH treatment. Dr Peterson said my HGH level is where it should be for a male my age. I would recommend injections if you decide to try HGH, because Dr Peterson said the cream or gel is pretty much useless.


Senior Member
@Hate ME/CFS Did you actually do the MRI and spinal tap or was it an optional recommendation?

Also you said that you felt better with the HGH shots than you had prior to CFS. Is this still the case or was it only with the initial shot?

Also just curious, was your CFS from mono/EBV or another cause?
@Hate ME/CFS Did you actually do the MRI and spinal tap or was it an optional recommendation?

Also you said that you felt better with the HGH shots than you had prior to CFS. Is this still the case or was it only with the initial shot?

Also just curious, was your CFS from mono/EBV or another cause?
It was only after the initial shot, unfortunately. But, my nightly HGH injection does help me with low energy, and muscle pain and cramping that come with our illness.
@Hate ME/CFS Did you actually do the MRI and spinal tap or was it an optional recommendation?

Also you said that you felt better with the HGH shots than you had prior to CFS. Is this still the case or was it only with the initial shot?

Also just curious, was your CFS from mono/EBV or another cause?
I think my CFS was from having Pharyngitis, almost every year from 1990-99. It's like a severe strep throat. My last bout with Pharyngities, took me almost 3 months to recover from, and I had the constant feverish feeling, and low energy production.


Senior Member
@Hate ME/CFS I wonder if that means your shot is not a high enough dosage? Also, and sorry to be repetitive but was the MRI & spinal tap mandatory for the stim test?
@Hate ME/CFS I wonder if that means your shot is not a high enough dosage? Also, sorry to be repetitive but was the MRI & spinal tap mandatory for the stim test?
No, your not repetitive, I just hit post too fast. lol Yes, the MRI & Spinal Tap were mandatory for the Stim Test. An endocrinologist may not recommend a Spinal Tap. Dr Peterson wanted to do a process of elimination when he had me do the MRI & Spinal Tap. My HGH dose is 0.04 ml, which is keeping me within my Growth Hormone range. I did ask Dr Peterson about a higher dosage level, but he said that he didn't want my level to get too high. That might increase my red blood cell count.


Senior Member
No, your not repetitive, I just hit post too fast. lol Yes, the MRI & Spinal Tap were mandatory for the Stim Test. An endocrinologist may not recommend a Spinal Tap. Dr Peterson wanted to do a process of elimination when he had me do the MRI & Spinal Tap. My HGH dose is 0.04 ml, which is keeping me within my Growth Hormone range. I did ask Dr Peterson about a higher dosage level, but he said that he didn't want my level to get too high. That might increase my red blood cell count.

Do you know what your GH level went up to on the stim test?


Senior Member
planet earth
I went to the Holtorf CFS clinic awhile back before I had to stop working. At the time they were using "heperin" injections and also a "compounded cream". Think the cream may of had testosterone with progesterone? (maybe more, can't remember) EDIT: pregnegolone, not progesterone

Anyways, the cream worked great for about a month. After that I got "agitated" and mentally exhausted on it. Just pushing my body way too hard.

Anyways, the one major benefit of the cream I noticed was my skin healing. Where before the cream, my skin would just scab and take forever to heal up. However, with the cream scabs on my skin would heal much faster.

That's my two cents. Continue on....
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iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
There are cheaper gh peptides given by injection eg ghrp2 and ghrp6 which are said to increase GH, used by bodybuilders, antiaging people and to recover from injuries. No personal experience with it but its a cheaper laternative to real GH.

My understanding most items taken orally dont do much for gh stimulation.