Any experience with Motilium (Domperidonum) for gastric hypomotility?

Hi everyone,

Since two weeks my sister developed a bad digestive symptoms - stomach pains, burping, a sort of reflux and also the sensation that she cannot swallow properly - she eats very hard. She can eat only mashed patatoes and some clear soup. She was at emergency room where a doctor saw her and said that she has gastritis and gave her IPPs.
With this medication the stomach pain is gone but the swallowing problem is still there and she cannot eat ( except mash).
I was wondering if Domperidonum would help because is used in gastroparesis and gastric hypomotility.
Did anyone take it?
What was your experience with it?

Thank you.


Senior Member
My friend who doesn't have CFS is having the same problem, he talked to a doc the other day who scheduled a scope of the upper gut for him, dunno what's gonna happen yet. Also, I've heard that gastritis can be complicated and based on an autoimmune cause in some cases. It can also be caused by medications such as NSAIDs or alcohol based stuff, might check all her meds for side effects. have you seen a gastroenterologist? from what ive heard of emergency room doctors they don't work with you long term, they are mainly trying to help you out of an acute fix and expect you to see your primary care doc or a specialist for long term care

if you have a blender you could mash up other things besides potatoes, i steam veggies all the time then add them along with some water to a blender and puree them. I use an instant pot 8quart to steam veggies in bulk and a vitamix blender which works fast and well. Then I store the puree in multiple quart jars in a fridge, don't even put lids on them, they last a week or two like that, never have had one go bad on me.

Not that i have trouble getting food down but it's ridiculously faster to swallow pureed than to spend 20 minutes chewing veggies, not to mention a lot less energy consuming. It takes a lot of energy to cook so i just drink em out of the jars but you could mix the puree into soups, may soups call for such a thing.

a lot of times elderly people have trouble getting food down and the hospitals will puree meat for them, there are numerous guides around the internet on how to do so, meat is so much more filling and has a lot of stuff you wouldn't get from veggies that it would probly be worth trying.

I have heard that PPIs kill stomach acid which can cause issues with protein digestion and can let pathogens by since stomach acid kills incoming microbes. I want to say using PPIs is a risk factor for developing SIBO but im not certain

I used to have extreme chronic constipation, turned out it was caused by too little stomach acid not too much, well, either that or a lack of digestive enzymes. Taking digestive enzymes and one capsule betaine hcl fixed the problem up in a matter of days for me.

low stomach acid causes the same symptoms as high stomach acid, google search hypochlorhydria and see if it seems like what your sister has. if you do try to treat it make sure not to take too many betaine hcl tablets, one tablet betaine hcl and one capsule digestive enzymes with all meals(meat, eggs, dairy, etc.) was all it took for me and it worked in less than a week, some sites recommend increasing the dose of betaine hcl till you feel a burning sensation then pulling back the dose to just below that but for me I didn't notice any burning until i was taking 9 tablets and i got a weird sensation from it, might have messed my gut up, strongly doubt that sort of thing would happen with just one or two tablets though. if she does end up taking more than one with meals make sure its only with protein containing meals. bought both the betaine hcl and digestive enzymes on amazon, you can get them at most vitamin stores/grocery store vitamin section.

posted this a while back, might be of aid to you
Thank you for the tips. I will try to change her diet a little bit. She had this problem, but not that sever and she saw many gastroenterologists and had several endoscopys which were normal at that point. We tried to get in touch with her doctor but he is away until mid June.
So we will have to wait until then.


Senior Member
You might also consider giver her protein powders such as whey protein/pea protein, others. took whey protein for a while when some gut issues were going on and it helped me feel better, after a while it stopped working and i used pea protein and other types of protein after that which improved my condition/decreased my fatigue, my guess is that the whey protein only contained so many nutrients and that I got enough of those so it stopped helping and I had to use other things to get further.

What would make protein powders ideal for your situation is that they can be stirred into water and won't make the water much thicker than it already is. Just make sure not to give her too many scoops per day, I was taking something like 4 scoops(80 grams i think) per day and gained 30 lbs in a month or two, when i switched to 1-2 scoops my weight stopped increasing.

Another thing that might help is food ration tablets, they turn to powder when chewed, don't know how filling they would be though

maybe something that would be soothing to the gut would also be soothing to the stomach/esophagus, there are many things out there like that. if you read the link within the link i posted earlier you'll see some info on DGL which did miraculous things for me, there are many other things like that around that might help, many of them antiinflammatory or just healing in general, if the stuff you're using right now doesn't work that is


Senior Member
My sister and I have both taken Domperidone, me for gastroparesis and her for post-surgery nausea. Horrible stuff, it made us both throw up repeatedly for ages! Presumably it must work for some people, but neither of us would ever go near it again. #shudder


Senior Member
I have gastroparesis and have taken this medication in the past. It is available over-the-counter here. I've noticed no effect from it except additional fatigue.