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any advice on what to ask eye specialist re macular degeneration


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Optician tells me the pictures show I have the MD of a woman in her 60's or 70's. I have known I have had what I assume are drusen for some years re optician's exam. I read both genetics and inflamatory processes are often part of the process. I see the opthalmatist (cuse spelling) in two weeks. Any advice on what to ask, or how to manage?

thanks in advance for any replies,


perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I don't know much about MD, but my husband's mom has it, so our eye doctor recommended some supplements to my husband to help prevent him getting it.

This Nordic Naturals supplement has all the things she recommended. It's so high potency that he only takes 1 instead of the suggested 2:


You might also research NAC eye drops. I think they are mostly for cataracts, but maybe they would help with MD?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Do you have an Amsler grid? You should have one at home to monitor development/worsening of symptoms.

Did your optician mention the AREDS2 formula. It was developed from the Age Related Eye Disease Study of the National Eye Institute. You can read more about it at http://www.nei.nih.gov/amd . It contains 70 mg of zinc oxide. My digestive system cannot tolerate that so I take the components individually. I take a different form of zinc at a lower dose. Since zinc oxide is poorly absorbed, I am hoping that my smaller dose of a more absorbable form gives me an equivalent dose. I am overdue for another eye exam, but my MD has remained asymptomatic.

You should ask about diet, since diet may effect the progression of the disease. They may know more about that now than they did in 2011.

The Cole Eye Institute at Cleveland Clinic has written an informative booklet titled Macular Degeneration and other Diseases of the Aging Eye. My copy says that to order additional copies, go to www.heart-advisor.com. The AREDS formula has been updated since my 2011 copy was published. They may have a newer version available.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I don't think that low zinc causes AMD. It is not listed as a preventative for those who do not have AMD. High zinc delays or prevents the progression of the disease in those who already have it.

I did not do any testing until I had been taking the supplements for a while, so I do not know what my zinc status was at the time I was diagnosed with AMD (at a rather young age, I might add).


Senior Member
Manchester UK
It's encouraging to hear you remain asymptomatic. I looked at the Visivites supplement. I wonder if any of those things will impact on my methylation protocol...what form are you taking your zinc in ?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
It's encouraging to hear you remain asymptomatic. ...what form are you taking your zinc in ?
I'm not sure how encouraging that really is. AMD can stay the same for a long time, then suddenly get worse rapidly.

I am taking zinc as L-monomethionine because my local health food store has it and it also has the copper in it.