Hello Daff,
How long have you been sick?
What age were you when you got sick?
What level of sickness are you at or were you at before starting the AV's? I know I must have read this on your forum but I forgot the specifics, I know it has been a long time.
I wonder if those who get well really have what we do?
I wonder if it is easier to get rid of the virus when it is new?
I think I hurt my health on Valcyte; I got an infection from a b12shot while on it that landed me in the hosptial for 4 days.
Ever since my liver enzymes have been abnormal.
I want to get well ASAP too like you.
I just don't know how much more my body or my mind can take.
I am hoping that with the xmrv discovery that a more targeted therapy for us will be developed soon and we won't have to get so sick while on it, just better.
From what I have read the ones that get better on these AV's seem to not have such a hard time of it.
All of this stuff that is attributed to detoxing may just be that our body is getting poisoned and not really getting any better.
I have been through what is suppose to be detox numerous times over the years: chelating mercury,using herbs, AV's....etc , and in realilty I just got sicker when I thought I was detoxing and not better. I kept waiting for the better.
I think indaviduals like you and me are great candidates for the researchers to take on. I just wish that we could both get into a trial where our best interest were at heart and we could get the right treatment in those trials to get well.
Wouldn't that be great

We sure deserve that.
I do believe Daff that once we start getting well that our brain function will come back; you already are way ahead of me in that department.
Ubiquinol for your heart is one supplement that I think you should be on. I know it isn't cheap but it is proven to work even prescribed in Japan for heart problems.
It must be so scarey to have your heart feel like you have described. I feel my heart alot but not to that degree.
I take ubiquinol when I do.
Just know that their is someone else out there that is really sick and at their ropes end with this who is fighting this disease with you. That was the comfort that I got from reading all of your posts: I was not in this alone.
Your are one tough sister to keep on these RV's; I am thinking of you Daff.
Wishing you recovery ASAP.