I had an appointment with Laura Black at the Hunter Hopkins center to apply for the ampligen study today.
Apparently, there was a mis communication and they thought I was a regular appointment, so she was gonna sell me on their supportive therapies of: pacing and rest. Thats right, 3 hours at 300$ an hour and the solution she suggested: constantly taking breaks and resting (o and take some vitamin c as well).
3 hours of dumb f**** questions like, what did you major in college? Where were you born? Why? "To treat the whole person". To me she was "running up the clock" with that touchy feely garbage. Its not like I dont already pace myself and rest my life away. I think she thought because she was a woman and a doctor I would just pay money for her stupid unhelpful/unoriginal spin on chronic fatigue syndrome. I really pissed her off with my, how is that relevant?, type questions and Im glad. To be honest Ive gotten a couple consultations from other chronic fatigue docs and they really dont have much to say except suggestions like, dont be stressed out, rest when you need to, and other dumb as hell common sense things.
If not for her helping me sign up for disability and getting applied for the ampligen study I would not have paid my bill and I wouldve tried my best to make her sensitive self cry. Doctors charging huge fees for sick ppl and giving them no answers- Im sure theres a special place in hell for ppl like that.
Only interesting thing she said was that she had been invited to the whitemore institute and that she was not impressed with their science-which she said they could not replicate reliably. She seemed especially cocky that they would fail, although she said she thinks CFS is definitely retrovirus related.
Daffodil you mentitioned FeLV, do these two treatments in the above link warrant further investigation? Even though they are for cats...