anti virals and neurological flares


Senior Member
Is there anyone who experienced a "flare" in neuro symptoms while on anti virals and had them resolve?

I get nerve pain and numbness on the side of my face and leg. It comes out during stress or illness or anytime I hit an anti viral hard. I get scared and back off when this happens. My doctor has always said it was a good sign and it is the virus in my nerves being killed off. I just hate the idea of losing movement of my face.

I know some people with Lyme have gone through horrible die off and neurological problems and eventually they resolved.
Any one out there experience a temporary worsening of neuro symptoms like this on anti virals?


cfs since 1998

Senior Member
I've written about this before but I will again in case you didn't see it (so sorry if you did already). When I started olive leaf extract I had what might be considered neurological flares. Within 24 hours I had a severe continuous headache--and not a normal headache but the feeling that "my brain hurt", pain in the back of my neck, especially the brainstem and cervical spine. Within another day, especially at night, I would have the feeling of waves of electrical pulses shooting through my face and jaw. I don't remember but I believe it would happen about every 20 seconds or so and were worse when I was laying on my back trying to sleep. Every time a "pulse" hit I would have severe pain throughout my face and my jaw would abruptly open and shut. About 4 days after I started I then had the severe groggy fatigue exacerbation like what we've had with tagamet. I also had some strange joint problems. These symptoms would slowly fade away 7 to 10 days after I started taking it, but then I'd raise the dose and the pattern would start all over again from the beginning.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
antiviral effects

I don't know if you consider Artesunate an antiviral--there is evidence that it is (Cheney, and an essay now on the Research Library thread)--but if you do, I am now experimentally pulsing it two days on, two days off, and finding I feel a bit generally down the two days I am on (nothing dramatic or very focused) and then better the two days I am off. Hope it is doing some good! Best, Chris

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
I don't know if you consider Artesunate an antiviral--there is evidence that it is (Cheney, and an essay now on the Research Library thread)--but if you do, I am now experimentally pulsing it two days on, two days off, and finding I feel a bit generally down the two days I am on (nothing dramatic or very focused) and then better the two days I am off. Hope it is doing some good! Best, Chris

Thanks for the update, Chris.

Are you also taking the wormwood or no?

BTW, Jerry in another thread asked if someone had watched the Cheney videos (other than the one posted on line). I told him that I had not but maybe you have? Would you recommend? It looks like on the DWF support group site they are no longer offering his older videos.

Take care,




Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Cheney stuff

Hi, Maxine; yes, I do recommend the latest Cheney DVDs--not always clear, he does use odd terminology (i.e. "toxic to Oxygen" seems to mean "oxygen is toxic to us", and sometimes very condensed --and difficult; but good stuff on cardiology issues, and on Artesunate--though I find it very difficult to fully understand what things like "shifting the redox point" really mean. I still need to learn more about "cell signaling factors"--does any learned person out there know whether eating a bit of bison heart raw or cooked will give me any of these things, or will they all get chewed up in either cooking or my stomach?

I do swish and spit Wormwood sometimes on my off Artesunate days, but not very regularly. Best, Chris

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Hi, Maxine; yes, I do recommend the latest Cheney DVDs--not always clear, he does use odd terminology (i.e. "toxic to Oxygen" seems to mean "oxygen is toxic to us", and sometimes very condensed --and difficult; but good stuff on cardiology issues, and on Artesunate--though I find it very difficult to fully understand what things like "shifting the redox point" really mean. I still need to learn more about "cell signaling factors"--does any learned person out there know whether eating a bit of bison heart raw or cooked will give me any of these things, or will they all get chewed up in either cooking or my stomach?

I do swish and spit Wormwood sometimes on my off Artesunate days, but not very regularly. Best, Chris

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update. And thanks for the recommendation re Cheney's videos. I have only watch the one on line and was frustrated when I wasn't able to back up and relisten to something that he said. You do have to kinda work thru the terminology.

I will try to ask my friend who sees Cheney if he has ever mentioned anything to her about the possibility of eating the bison parts rather than taking the cell signalling factor. If I had to hazard a definite "guess" I would think that you probably can't get the same effects.

Take care,


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Chris - bison cell signalling factors

Hi again Chris,

Here is a link to where Cheney discusses some about the bison csf. Even tho the article is entitled : "Experimental Stem Cells Transfusion" there is some info on cell signalling. It does not address your specific question tho about actually eating bison parts.

Take care,

Hi Michelle:
I am not sure if this is considered a "flare"....but I was completely flattened for the first 90 days on Valcyte with Die Off,(neuro and autoimmune troubles)... other than that....I've had the occassional but Nasty Arthritis Flare up and my genetic Pancreatitis has flared as well... after 8 months on Valcyte, my auto immune issues still flare up....however.....any issues related to my viruses (sleep disorder, migraines, anxiety, fatigue,brain fog,yeast imbalance) are getting better. Did you have nerve pain and numbness prior to starting the anti virals and do you have an underlying Neuro Issue seperate from what the Anti-Virals are working on? I would trust your instinct 1000%. I think this is important for all of us. I frequently back off when I feel it is "right"....


Senior Member
Hi Julia,

Im glad to hear you are getting better on Valcyte! These stories are hard to come by.

I have had neuro flares for the last 12 years or so. I have been sick for 28 years. I think having my Mercury fillings removed started the neuro problems but my MRI's and such are all fine. So, what kind of neuro symptoms did you have during the time you were "flattened." It is interesting that your yeast problems are getting better too. Do you think your immune system is recovering due to the viral load dropping?

Thanks for you input...
