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Anti-anxiety meds suggestions.


Senior Member
When I increased my intake of active B12 and folic acid, I was able to get off Zoloft which I had been on for 10 years due to panic attacks. I assume that means I'm making more serotonin now.

I'm getting the B's through Thorne Labs multivitamin, about 500mcg each. Note Rich Vank's methylation protocol ratio has a lot more B12 than folic acid. So this would be a partial version of Rich Vank's protocol.

Hi Caledonia,

So to clarify...are you getting both your b12 and folic acid in the multivitamin, or are you taking an additional extra b12/folic/folate?

Also, are you taking 'folic acid' or one of the active forms?

Thanks. :)


Senior Member
North Carolina
Thanks...doctor wanted me to start low since I have wierd reactions to almost everything. First we tried it for sleep but it did nothing (100mg). So I bought a brand which is just 5HTP with nothing added (valerian etc.) and will start low in the morning and see how that works.


Senior Member
its always a tough call on what to take. Increasing fish intake or fish oil supplements can assist. I've been on effexor and it has helped a lot with energy. Initially i couldnt do much for the first month but afterwards, i could start working more. Its hard to come off and ive been on it for four years but it has helped plenty.
DHEA works for me -- stops a panic attack that goes on forever in half an hour. I think an adrenal glandular would have a good chance of working also due to freeing up pregnenolone to make more DHEA. I don't do meds ever -- I am too sensitive to drugs of all kinds.