Another Bill Reeves research


Patient in training
Recently there was Wichita-
Now here is the latest research Bill Reeves contributed to:

Mr Reeves, people are congregating to check out the information you put up on the website, BUT have you ever wondered if it's the right information?
Are you aware of the impact of putting wrongful information on a highly visited website? Oh, of course you know. :mad:

What a waste of tax dollars that could be spent on the taking care of those that have been in bed for 20-30 years because of your department.


"Web Usage Data as a Means of Evaluating Public Health Messaging and Outreach"

Agreed Kati - Reeve's latest is relevant and earth-shattering!

"Web Usage Data as a Means of Evaluating Public Health Messaging and Outreach"

The utilization of the CFS website reflects a high level of interest in the
illness by visitors to the site. The high utilization shows the website to
be an important online resource for people seeking basic information about
CFS and for those looking for professional health care and research
information. Public health programs should consider analytic methods to
further public health by understanding the characteristics of those seeking
information and by evaluating the outcomes of public health campaigns. The
website was an effective means to provide health information about CFS and
serves as an important public health tool for community outreach.


Senior Member
Why I have gone to

Public health programs should consider analytic methods to
further public health by understanding the characteristics of those seeking
information and by evaluating the outcomes of public health campaigns.

I'd like to help the CDC get off on the right foot with understanding those who visit the CDC site.

I have checked the CDC site numerous times. My goals are two keep abreast of two things:

1) Has the CDC acknowledge the possibility that XMRV has been associated with CFS (and that validation research is currently underway) and that there are possible concerns over the blood supply (CFS patients ought to abstain from donating for the time being),


2) Has Bill Reeves been fired.

Do I go there looking for any serious information to help with CFS? Are you kidding? And until these two things happen the CDC will never have any credibility.

I wonder if Reeves will put that in his next paper?


Patient in training
I would believe there are 3 different groups of people visiting the CDC ME/CFS website:

Health care professionals that don't know any better and looking for info about ME/CFS

Patients that don't know any better and looking for info about ME/CFS

Patients that know how CRIMINAL the CDC has been for the last 25 years and considering a CLASS ACTION against the CDC for researching, amongst other things, TRIVIAL things like how many people visit their website. :mad:

ETA and worse of it all getting published about it