yeah, keeping ME patients in psych wards is hugely unproductive. it saddens me to hear of these practices in europe, tho likely it's happening in north america too and we're just not getting the reporting.
wish there was something I could do but I don't have any money, only time.
This has happened in the US and Australia at least, that I know of, not just Europe. Karina and Sophia are not isolated events.
Anonymous social activism is something I am still unsure about. The concept is good, but there are risks too. In my view people should be willing to stand up and be accountable, in public. So I support many of the same issues, but do so publicly.
Organizations designed to support public activism are part of the next wave of democracy. We no longer have to be silent. The people have always had the power to change things, but the systems are in place to convince people they should not do so. Indeed, there is some wisdom in that too as popular ideologies do not necessarily mean they are wise ideologies. So sweeping social fads should not become unduly influential. These are deep and complex issues and deserving of open debate.
One thing is clear though. Social communities, including online, have an impact on the world. That can be used for good or ill. We need to be responsible, but we also need to be involved ... silence may sometimes be necessary, but it will not lead to change.