I think the overall message is that they are continuing to look for XMRV, but this time they are looking for it in the tissue. However, they are also going to look into other pathogens. The other pathogens part confused me. Are they looking for other causes or are they looking for other pathogens in combination with XMRV that could be making people sick?
The claim was: "We find XMRV in the blood of PWME, and not in healthy controls." As it turns out, nobody can distinguish patients from controls, by looking for XMRV in the blood. At least not under properly blinded conditions. The VIPdx (and WPI?) results look 100% like contamination. Totally random. XMRV is only in labs and lab material. There is no XMRV in the blood of people. If there were, another lab would have found it now. (Except for Mikovits mystical "secret labs", which are afraid to come forward, of course.)
So for me, now starting to looking for XMRV in tissue, when the claim was "we can find it in blood", is simply stupid.
Yes please, look for other pathogens. And please clean up the XMRV mess. I want a statement "We retraced all of our steps, ran a lot of tests and this is what happened with regards to XMRV." Mikovits can't do it. I never heard a single sceptical word from her about her own work. But I don't know if the Whittmores can clean up this mess. Oh well, I should give them some time.