anna8 jaw bone cavitations and me


Senior Member
I recently bought the book death and dentistry. It was written in 1940. In the last section of the book, its stuffed full of case studies of people who were cured of all kinds of chronic diseases, skin infections, heart disease, just general fatigue and sickness by having teeth removed. In some cases they got better by having vital (living) but diseased teeth removed. They also did a lot of cavitation surgery on patients, opening up old extraction sites and debriding the bone. They were also well aware cavitations can exist even though the x-ray shows basically nothing.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I recently read an account referring to the one of the first alternative cancer clinics that opened in the US in about 1950. Reportedly, 98% of those the patients being treated for cancer had root canals. The percentage of people in the general public who had root canals at that time was about 2%.


Senior Member
the man that changed hal huggins mind about mercury told a story of a little girl who had leukeamia; took her filling out and the doctors claimed spontaineous remission. between the girl and the mother, they agreed to have the mercury filling placed back in her mouth (never worth the risk really i don't think) and the cancer returned immediately,,so it was removed for good. of course cancer can come in many other ways too, but i think any metal in your mouth is non starter, fillings, crowns, root canals, cavitations, its the jungle down there. i need filling soon. its even trickier with mcs. i find dentists to be on par with hair salons in the fumes stakes. all that chemical sterilising gets me twitching in minutes.

a dental visit is an operation afterall and they have no governing body. my sis is a dental nurse and the stories aren't funny.


Senior Member
before i went travelling abroad i visited the dentist in the uk. i had a pain in my jaw. he said i needed 3 amalgam fillings. i never had the time to go back (fortunately!!) and didn't have the chance till i was working in germany 6 months later with dental care. the dentist there said i needed no fillings at all just my wisdom tooth was growing into them and causing pain. wisdom tooth out and it was solved (no idea if he burred the periodontal ligament off post removal to prevent cavitations)...still was better than 3 mercury fillings i didn't even have holes in my teeth for. strangely when i got to a caravan site in amsterdam (about 95) i read an article on mercury fillings in a nexus magazine. got back to the uk and went for a filling and asked for white and she agreed. month later and she didn't agree and the rest is history


Senior Member
I recently read an account referring to the one of the first alternative cancer clinics that opened in the US in about 1950. Reportedly, 98% of those the patients being treated for cancer had root canals. The percentage of people in the general public who had root canals at that time was about 2%.

Yes I've read this before. This I found more interesting



Senior Member
Sth Australia
the man that changed hal huggins mind about mercury told a story of a little girl who had leukeamia; took her filling out and the doctors claimed spontaineous remission. between the girl and the mother, they agreed to have the mercury filling placed back in her mouth (never worth the risk really i don't think) and the cancer returned immediately,,so it was removed for good. of course cancer can come in many other ways too, but i think any metal in your mouth is non starter, fillings, crowns, root canals, cavitations, its the jungle down there. i need filling soon. its even trickier with mcs. i find dentists to be on par with hair salons in the fumes stakes. all that chemical sterilising gets me twitching in minutes.

a dental visit is an operation afterall and they have no governing body. my sis is a dental nurse and the stories aren't funny.

I strongly suggest that if you have ME, to avoid any of the dental injections which have adrenaline in them. They really mess up many ME people. Lidocaine dental injections sometimes do but you can ask the dentist to leave the adrenaline out of it.