ANECDOTAL REPORT: de Meirleir's patients POSITIVE for XMRV


Senior Member
NB: This is an UNCONFIRMED ANECDOTAL REPORT, translated from Norwegian @

"18.12.09 Kenny De Meirleir confirms XMRV-finding in ME patients
After WPI published his groundbreaking research news October 8 this year, Kenny De Meirleir tested several of his patients. He has spent labratorier in several countries scroll. The patients were tested to map the incidence of XMRV and labratorienes ability to find the virus. Now he has confirmed that the virus is found in a majority of test persons and that they will get a letter about this along with updated treatment plan.

This post is written based only on verbal information, so unfortunately I have no links to refer to. It is of course possible that some information has been misunderstood or misinterpreted in the communication process, but I want to clarify that I have had very reliable sources."

PS: Puhleez don't give me grief about posting this!:p As with any anecdotal report, the proof is in the pudding. We have to wait for the fat lady to sing before we can get really excited about this. Don't dance a jig yet. Buyer beware. :DDisclaimers aside now, I'll be interested to see the chatter on that blog in the coming weeks, and whether Prof de Meirleir will be officially confirming this news. Anyone have an inside scoop on this news?

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
Thanks for posting! I am also glad Dr. De Meirleir is investigating this rather than being too focused on his pet theory (hydrogen sulfide).

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
One of the Belgium groups was also talking about this. Guessing that he was sending to the Swedish Professor who had developed his own XMRV test and that it cost Euro 400.


Senior Member
After WPI published his groundbreaking research news October 8 this year, Kenny De Meirleir tested several of his patients. He has spent labratorier in several countries scroll. The patients were tested to map the incidence of XMRV and labratorienes ability to find the virus. Now he has confirmed that the virus is found in a majority of test persons and that they will get a letter about this along with updated treatment plan.

Even if the tests are confirmed, 'several' would mean very little surely ( unless you are one of those several of course )

When I first read your thread a fast flowing river of happiness ran through my body like a surge of electricty. The hairs on the back of my head stood on end and for a fleeting, transient moment I was taken back to the 8th October 2009. Yes I know, desperation plays tricks with all our emotions, like a wild cat with a timid mouse. Perspective, perspective, reasoning, healthy scepticism, burden of proof satisfied thereof.......

All very sensible, but even now, although not a fast flowing river, I sail slowly but freely on slow moving waters.

I dare say Wessely, White and Sharpe would feed freely and with insatiable voracity on diets I sometimes serve on here. That maybe so, but what more can a timid mouse do ?

Keeping fighting Parvo and thank you for keeping us informed.

Kind regards, Mark

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
De Meirleir's patients-parvofighter


PS: Puhleez don't give me grief about posting this!:p As with any anecdotal report, the proof is in the pudding. We have to wait for the fat lady to sing before we can get really excited about this. Don't dance a jig yet. Buyer beware. :DDisclaimers aside now, I'll be interested to see the chatter on that blog in the coming weeks, and whether Prof de Meirleir will be officially confirming this news. Anyone have an inside scoop on this news?

Hi Parvofighter,

I appreciate you posting this. Hopefully someone will be able to confirm or deny in the not too distant future.

As you recommend, I am not yet dancing a jig, but I am considering buying a ticket to hear the fat lady sing.




Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Excellent Disclaimers!

Hi Parvofighter,

Thanks for sending this information along. Sure got my attention here this morning. And BTW, excellent disclaimers! :)



Perked me right up!

Great disclaimers! Thanks for posting it's another drop in the hope bucket.


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
There are probably so many studies happening as we speak, I'd like to think many different countries and research institutions will start making announcements from the New Year onwards.


Thank you, Parvofighter. Great find. Even better disclaimers. :D


Senior Member
Covering my a___!

I'm basically just a little chicken-sh__, and was covering my a__ with those disclaimers! Seriously though, I'm a blog virgin (this is my first ever! :eek:), had no idea how to post, and have had some gentle and not-so-gentle feedback to be totally transparent about sources, particularly when they are potentially dubious or downright flaky. It's good advice.

But then the perverse side of my nature came out, and I just had to have a lil' fun.:D


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Seriously though, I'm a blog virgin (this is my first ever! :eek:), had no idea how to post, and have had some gentle and not-so-gentle feedback to be totally transparent about sources, particularly when they are potentially dubious or downright flaky. It's good advice.

I would never have guessed that you're a novice. I enjoy your posts. But sources/disclaimers are always a good idea.


Senior Member
Is that a XMRV mouse?

Did that little micie dance into our blood??

Love his little jig.

I am thinking that Dr. Mikovits will have alot to tell us on the chat in January. Hope so.