I’m so sorry to hear you have been dealing with this for so long. We are at almost seven years, and more battles than I can count. My son has been suffering with this since the age of eight. He is now 15.
Originally he only had two 1 & 5 elevated titers. Today I finally got the doctors office to release a copy of his lab. His titers are elevated in all, 1-6. His doctor is trying to dismiss it as past infection. I think I’ll save that battle for another day.
Right now I’m trying to fight off the school trying to force me to release all his medical records, & court.
It’s frustrating how not on top of viral infections, & the devastating impacts they can have, the medical community is. It’s an exhausting battle, & I was already exhausted from the illness.
I really appreciate you directing me to the ME/CFS. It’s like you filled in my brain lag for me. I don’t know how many more years could have passed with all the stress. I have a trial with the school the day after tomorrow, which I’m hoping gets rescheduled. Maybe then there may be a chance to do something with the Me/CFS before the next one.
I’m keeping you in my prayers, and again thank you so much for the direction, & all the great information.