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all I get is those color lines w/ the *station off the air* beeping. anyone else have this issue?
I can't seem to get past the halfway point of this program. Anyone else have this problem?? It just freezes up while ADM is speaking about it being "early days" of ME/CFS patient advocacy/organizing.
I was hoping to hear the rest of what she said on that note. While I have the greatest respect for ADM, I have to take issue w/that characterization. Unless by "early days" she means within-the-first-three-decades. :innocent1:
Seems like a great program though. Go, Lenny Jason, go!!
She did indeed have an English accent
...and while I didn't suspect her of bursting at the seems with psycho-steria...
...I was left with the feeling that she was on the panel as a sort of counterpoint-balance kind of thing.
Anyway, it was a very refreshing and positive discussion.
It was very refreshing to have a patient, a researcher and a journalist sitting around a table agreeing with each other, and talking total sense in relation to ME/CFS. What a nice turn of events!
King surprised me with his compassion and understanding.
Boy you said that right! Refreshment was certainly achieved and welcome! King surprised me with his compassion and understanding.
Regarding the body language etc, I will admit I was being, erm, diplomatic in my previous post, as I recognise this is a public forum; and while Miss British JudgyPants will not likely read this, I don't feel wholly comfortable jumping to conclusions based on my personal observations of her (attractive yet somewhat tense) face. :innocent1:
It's entirely possible she's just not comfortable being on tv or she had piles or something
I struggled watching the whole video because of a very slow streaming speed, but it didn't stop in one particular place for me.
I haven't got much of a perspective on the history of ME/CFS patient advocacy/organising, because I've only been ill for 7 years, but it seems to me that since Judy discovered XMRV in patients, our community has galvanised, or grown stronger/louder, and become much more effective and vocal. I think things have changed massively for us even in the last year or two. So Amy's comment was a comment that I agreed with, but I know that I only have a limited perspective on the history of ME, and sometimes I think it might just be that I've got more awareness of the work that's going on, rather than there being more activity. I suppose it took me a few years to find other activists, and to find out about the ongoing research.
How do you see it all from your perspective, invisible?