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Americans on Disability - milking the system


Senior Member
saw the thread and though i didnt feel like reading everythign...i agree with those who says proabably some do fruad but i think some dont that get accused...ive seen on other supoprt groups maybe this one to and i dont remember about people being followed and accused of fruad but usualy like workers comp thing from what i remember.,,

what i dont understand is one guy had vented about being upset becaues he was followed and video of him shoveling or picking up kid or something and it was used against him...how can a one time thing like that...be edited to look like the guy isnt disabiled? how can they follow someoone cut and put together video to make him look like a fraud when he did something like that once or a few times??

it makes no sense...just because someone is disabiled it doesnt mean that they dont have to go and do things at one time or another..i think from what i recall he had to shovell the snow cause of hoa...had no one to help...people have to still do things when they dont have help thats just common sense...just because they have to do it to live doesnt mean they dance around doing it and loving it...no one knows how they feel and what they go through...ive seen very very old people bend in half grocery shopping pushing buggy and felt bad for them...it was visible that they didnt look they should be doing that at all.....i just felt really bad for the guy who posted about shoveling...its like a witch hunt..

everyone is different and no one knows someones sitaution if they dont have all the facts...and i hate the way people with these illness are treated its like no one can be sick because its invisible and if they do things they have to like shovel..pick a child up...or shop..or whatever then they must be faking...thats crazy...but let someone with another illness that causes the same symptoms do that and its like they want to throw them a big party for trying so hard.

ive ranted and ranted about this because of the people ive seen post their stories and its so sad...and because i knew someone through someone who was a great father but his angry ex accused him of child neglect and reported it...and it devasted his family....sorry i guess i got off subject but having a bad day and hurting really bad .. again its like a witch hunt


Senior Member
northern Maine
Hi hurting, what you described is quite common in the U.S. My former partner had been fighting to win a workers comp claim for many years. About five years ago we lived in a small, close-built neighborhood in a very small town. Everybody knew who belonged there and who didn't.

One Saturday morning I looked out the window and there was a strange car, with dark windows, parked next to the driveway. Later it was parked down the street, then I saw it by the post office. Finally I stopped and confronted him, informing him that we didn't like spies in our neighborhood. He gave me a bogus story about measuring cell phone signal strength, complete with a business card, and a reference to an obvious bogus web site. I guess he didn't like confrontation, because he left and didn't come back!

A while later my partner received a copy of the dic's report from her lawyer. It included some newspaper articles about some other person, in a different part of the state, with a similar name. The report was totally bogus. But hey, even a private dic has got to make a living!


Senior Member
northern Maine
the USA is not broke, it's starving itself to death by waste and letting scum not pay their share.
It's more akin to annorexia, than famine.

A real friend will tell you when you in deep crap

Unfortunately the propaganda machine is so loud, not many of us can hear your message!

I have to agree with you about the Pilgrims. I grew up forty miles north of Boston, so I got a belly full of propaganda about the Pilgrims, Paul Revere, The Revolution, and all the other rubbish.

I wonder if UK schoolkids are told that the Pilgrims came to the New World for 'Religious Freedom'. That's what I was told. The schoolbooks didn't mention they wanted to be be free to impose their own theocratic fundamentalist regime! The books also forgot to tell us that the colonies were organized as corporations, for the sole purpose of accumulating profits by exploiting resources, indentured servants, native peoples, and eventually imported slaves.

It's hard for me to see how much good can grow from such evil roots.


San Francisco
No doubt about the propaganda - but that doesn't change the fact that they already mostly BKed the US, even if you would seize the riches money it would not get you that far. Also the Pilgrims did likely not behave better or worse than the rest of the world. Cruelties to mankind are not an invention of the US or a secret society. It's hard to find any innocent folks out there, maybe you could name native Indians amongst then and some other native jungle folks or nomads or aborigines (maybe also the Amish?) - but even amongst those cruel rites exist(ed), but they never industrialized and developed to the point where they can be more effective at being cruel..


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
yeah most Americans don't realize the Puritans were loathed and regarded as vicious extremists, in a time OF extremism! So they were pretty far off the "deep end" :p
See how Cromwell's men destoryed many of the great religious shrines/works of art throughout England, etc

The work of many of the ealry Founders though was amazing in terms of decency, genuine democracy, protection etc,, Parliamentary systems are more stable than Presidential which is IMHO behind fair chunk of US woes, but bar that, USA's Decleration/Constituion/bill of rights are fantastic :)

Recent item at the TED conference also showed the problem, US citizens have been sold a load of crap that "the rich make jobs"
no they don't, if the rich make jobs, and the rich are getting richer and more of 'em, why are the rest of folsk getting poorer and out of work! ;)
Consuming citzens make jobs, NOT the rich.
Supply (jobs) must have demand (consumers)
More stable, middle class folls you got to spend money, more jobs you have, simples!
A rich person simply cannot (he doesn't have 100 asses needing 100 pants ;P) and will not spend (because he's usually obsessed with getting richer, not spending) the same as a bunch of middle class folks.

Lincoln warned of this problem way back.
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war

Big Business becomes a monster, promoting social strife and fear, reducing education, support and enfranchisment, so they have no opposition. See Levenson Inquiry in UK for more evidence of this.
So last 150 years they've warped the sensibilities of the growing US nation to follow *their* goals, no damn different than the Soviets or whatever whackos, just using different methods to obtain their goals (mirror image as it were), which is, absolute control, but doing so subtly, to avoid paying tax or having any social responsibility because they don't give a damn.
Hence, we're at the sharp end. We are superflous to a system that has no compassion and only cares about the next Quarterly profits.
Then you add in the growth of religious extremism, of all kinds in the face of enlightenment via science/media and exposure of the evils of organized religion AND folk seeking a "comfort blanket" against a more changing/data overload world, and it gets nasty.

UK provoked the the Zulu nation into attacking it (see Battles of Isandlahwana and Rorke's Drift)
to have excuse to invade/take over the Zulu's land
And then take over the Boer's land (Boer War)
Giving the British Empire the gold/diamond mines of SOuth Africa.
Ring any bells in modern time? :pAmerica is responsible for great deal of the world's advancement in last few hundred years (like the Apollo Project), it is not a question of "US= bad!", British, and others, been sucmbags to for a lot longer :p
Just USA is a superpower, with 5000 nukes, and should know better because of things like the Bill of Rights it created. COmpare US's sort of oh "outlook/cutlture" etc 30+ years ago to today
sure lot of nasty crap has reduced and improvements, but there's huge rise in extremism, selfishness before neighbour/nation, deliberate ignorance, and partizanship that's very very bad.
At continuing rates, the USA will inevitably fracture as the partizanship is that crazily extreme :/
What the heck good will a new "Fort Sumter" achieve? :(

Alas, US is still "young" as a culture and fragmented. generally nations only learn/achieve coherency after great suffering and if they are lucky enough to have a history that's not ignorant/bloody.
Pure good luck and work of few great folk in midst of extremists, greed and psychos that US/Canada/Australia/NewZealand/Western Europe are modern democracies.
Took two world wars and massive carnage for the UK to grow out of some of its bullcrap (and has forgotten this to an extent)
THe actual degree of decency/non-extremism in US Civil War versus what usually occurs in civil wars, was great sign of decency in the nation :) Today though...?
Politically, rights/wrongs of enforced federalization are arguable, but compassion, politicial/social/morla thoughts of those involved on both sides of the Civil War were often of very high calibre and show incredible promise

How a society treats its sick, it's poor, it's "odd" reflects greatly upon it.
It would cost vastly less to treat us, than to let us die off, why then let it occur?
Bureacratic inertia, greed that's blinded by short term interest not long term improvement, possible guilt/secrecy, and sheer bloody evil.
Evil is nearly always mundane, banal, small minded, not "Big bold and darkly attractive" :p


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
did you know that in the USA, corporate scumbags dropped high explosive and poison gas bombs on US civilians and machine gunned women and kids?

The Battle of Blair Mountain was one of the largest civil uprisings in United States history and the largest armed rebellion since the American Civil War.[1] For five days in late August and early September 1921, in Logan County, West Virginia, some 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3,000 lawmen and strikebreakers, called the Logan Defenders,[2]who were backed by coal mine operators during an attempt by the miners to unionize the southwestern West Virginia coalfields. The battle ended after approximately one million rounds were fired,[3] and the United States Army intervened by presidential order.

The Battle of Blair Mountain was the result of economic exploitation of workers during a period of social transformation in the southern West Virginia coalfields.[4][5] Beginning in 1870-1880, coal operators had established a system of oppression and exploitation based around the company town system.[4][6][7] To maintain their domination and hegemony, coal operators paid "private detectives" as well as public law enforcement agents to ensure that union organizers were kept out of the region.[4] In order to accomplish this objective, agents of the coal operators used intimidation, harassment, espionage and even murder.[4][8] Throughout the early 20th century, West Virginia coal miners attempted to overthrow this brutal system and engaged in a series of strikes, such as the Paint Creek-Cabin Creek strike of 1912, and which coal operators attempted to stop through violent means. Mining families lived under the terror of Baldwin-Felts detective agents who were professional strikebreakers under the hire of coal operators. During that dispute agents drove a heavily armored train through a tent colony at night, opening fire on women, men and children with a machine gun.[9] They would repeat this type of tactic during the Ludlow Massacre in Colorado the next year, with even more disastrous results


In the midst of this tense situation, Sid Hatfield traveled to McDowell County on 1 August 1921 to stand trial for charges of dynamiting a coal tipple. Along with him traveled a good friend, Ed Chambers, and their two wives.[28] As they walked up the courthouse stairs, unarmed and flanked by their wives, a group of Baldwin-Felts agents standing at the top of the stairs opened fire. Hatfield was killed instantly, while Chambers' bullet-riddled body rolled to the bottom of the stairs. Over Sally Chambers' protestation, one of the agents ran down the stairs and shot Chambers once more in the back of the head point blank.[29] The miners’ hero was dead. As Sid and Ed’s bodies returned to Matewan, word of the slayings spread through the mountains. For the miners, Hatfield was slain in cold blood and it seemed the assassins would escape punishment.[

By August 29, battle was fully joined. Chafin's men, though outnumbered, had the advantage of higher positions and better weaponry. Private planes were hired to drop homemade bombs on the miners. A combination of gas and explosive bombs left over from the fighting in World War I were dropped in several locations near the towns of Jeffery, Sharples and Blair. At least one did not explode and was recovered by the miners; it was used months later to great effect during treason and murder trials following the battle. On orders from the famous General Billy Mitchell, Army bombers from Maryland were also used for aerial surveillance, a rare example of air power being used by the federal government against US citizens. One Martin bomber crashed on the return flight, killing the three members of the crew.[35][36] Sporadic gun battles continued for a week, with the miners at one time nearly breaking through to the town of Logan and their target destinations, the non-unionized counties to the south, Logan and Mingo. Up to 30 deaths were reported by Chafin’s side and 50-100 on the union miners side, with many hundreds more injured. By September 2, federal troops had arrived. Realizing he would lose a lot of good miners if the battle continued with the military, union leader Bill Blizzard passed the word for the miners to start heading home the following day. Miners fearing jail and confiscation of their guns found clever ways to hide rifles and hand guns in the woods before leaving Logan County. Collectors and researchers to this day are still finding weapons and ammunition embedded in old trees and in rock crevices. Thousands of spent and live cartridges have made it into private collections.
Following the battle, 985 miners were indicted for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, and treason against the State of West Virginia. Though some were acquitted by sympathetic juries, many were also imprisoned for a number of years, though they were paroled in 1925. It would be Bill Blizzard's trial where the unexploded bomb was used as evidence of the government and companies' brutality, and ultimately resulted in his acquittal.

Similar crap, including disarming the Public and NOT for safety, occured in the UK, because the idea of peons having decent wages and conditions was unthinkable! :rolleyes:
They sent English soldiers and tanks onto the streets of Glasgow.

Point being: Human Beings mean NOTHING to scumbags.
The worst scumbags aren't the terrorists the "moslems" the "Hackers" or whatever, it's always your own bloody elite, in whatever nation/system you are living under,and they use the media to divert your attention and blame others.

We are not living in fair free Democracies under the rule of law, we're living under Oligarchies headed to corporate fascism and either collapse or horror. Doubt that anyone?
Well, 50o0 USA and 200 Uk dead and NO ONE has paid the price for a war over complete lies that were all about making oil corporations rich.

We folks with ME are a problem, we cost money, we threaten to expose some issue that will cause political upset so we must be snuffed out, quietly.
They don't use gas chambers now, they can and are using complete social disenfranchisment and policies of xenophobia...untermenshen!
In future, you'll either be living in a gated community in splendor (0.1%)
in a constant state of fear of losing your low middle class life as a corporate wage slave (60%)
or be on the street or more likely, dead. (ah population problem solverd 39.9% and going down!)

part of this is that video I posted about exponentials and finances.
Most people will not be able to afford healthcare.
Wake up people.