American supplements may contain nothing.


Senior Member
Please in future could you use a full quote? You used an abbreviated version of what I said that makes it sound like I agreed that " .... American supplements are useless rip-offs ...." which I definitely do not

I agree, but whether thru lack of knowledge or evil intent makes no never mind, since the implication of the title, that American supplements are useless rip-offs, still remains, particularly for those who don't bother to open the thread and read the comments here.

With conflicts there is always the expectation of bad intentions on the other side. Which is a self-perpetuating myth. These projections do perpetuate conflicts. Not peace.
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Senior Member
I have to pull you up on this! Maybe you do not use Milk Thistle extract. Well the EU gave drug companies the power to ban the sale of any herbal medicine that they want to. The British government, the last Labour government, implemented THMPD and drug companies have since banned the sale of Milk Thistle extract because it has medicinal properties and competition with some of their medicines.

I leave it there for now but there is so much more about how the EU is undermining people's health and often claiming it is for public health reasons. I dislike the EU and hope that we leave ASAP but with remain MP's blocking it, it might not happen and the EU will continue to undermine your health and stop you purchasing herbs that you need.

Herbs have a big part to play in countering antibiotic resistance and the drug companies are doing very little (sweet fa) treating these infections. Just wait a bit for when CFS is proven to be caused by bacteria. I have know for years!
Carl, I buy Hubner's Milk thistle; it is a liquid;


Senior Member
New York, NY
The site tests and ranks many US brands of supplements (vitamins, minerals). It measures whether the supplement contains a higher or lower dosage than the manufacturer advertises on the label. It also tests many supplements like magnesium for heavy metals and other contaminants. It does not test all brands, but I find it useful to know that sometimes less expensive brands have more accurate labeling and less contamination than more expensive brands.

It suggests that some supplements contain exactly what is advertised and are basically free of heavy metals.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I find it useful to know that sometimes less expensive brands have more accurate labeling and less contamination than more expensive brands.
That's what I really like about Labdoor ..... and that's how I discovered that Swanson often produced the highest rated and lowest cost supplements. And that, at that time, Trader Joe's Omega 3 supplement was the best on the market at a fraction of the cost of other offerings.