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Ambroxol and Fibro/neuropathic pain and mast cells


Senior Member
It's an oddly thorough paper, heavy on the theory of why Ambroxol might work, with some preliminary study results suggesting it does work. I bought some Ambroxol several months ago, and it's been sitting on my sink waiting for me to get around to trying it. Perhaps your posting will finally encourage me to do so. Probably has little risk: Ambroxol is used as a mucolytic and is over the counter in Europe. It's not FDA approved in the US, but I think that's just because no one wants to pay for the approval process.


Senior Member
I found that it does work provided the pain's not too severe, but unfortunately it also works well for its main purpose! I've more than once woken at in the early hours coughing like mad, because the drug has loosened a bit of chest mucus that would otherwise have been quite happy to stay where it was. It might not do this for everyone, though, and it's possible this would settle anyway if I used it for long enough.
It's an oddly thorough paper, heavy on the theory of why Ambroxol might work, with some preliminary study results suggesting it does work. I bought some Ambroxol several months ago, and it's been sitting on my sink waiting for me to get around to trying it. Perhaps your posting will finally encourage me to do so. Probably has little risk: Ambroxol is used as a mucolytic and is over the counter in Europe. It's not FDA approved in the US, but I think that's just because no one wants to pay for the approval process.

"Oddly thorough" - that pretty nails it - I thought the same. It is sold OTC in Europe and it is used a lot here. Pediatricians give it to small children to help mucous cough and chest infections... so I think the risks are pretty benign. Ambroxol is also thought to have some antiviral properties - making it a suitable agent for COPD persons to prevent the progression of disease and to make infections less common (at least it is also discussed in some papers).


Senior Member
"Oddly thorough" - that pretty nails it - I thought the same. It is sold OTC in Europe and it is used a lot here. Pediatricians give it to small children to help mucous cough and chest infections... so I think the risks are pretty benign. Ambroxol is also thought to have some antiviral properties - making it a suitable agent for COPD persons to prevent the progression of disease and to make infections less common (at least it is also discussed in some papers).
Wow, so ambroxol helps Covid but it also may help mcas stuff? Seems perfect