Amalgam Removal Story - Numerous Symptoms Relieved


Senior Member
What supplments should I look to get to further reduce the chance of absorbing and keeping mercury?

From Iodine: The Universal Nutrient:
The bioavailability of a Lugol tablet (Iodoral®) containing 12.5 mg elemental iodine was evaluated by measuring 24 hr urine levels of iodide together with the minerals, trace elements and toxic metals before and after administration of this preparation. The results obtained following iodine supplementation revealed that in some subjects, the urine levels of mercury, lead and cadmium increased by several fold after just one day of supplementation. For aluminum, this increased excretion was not observed usually until after one month or more on the iodine supplementation. Since this observation was made on a limited number of assays, it needs to be confirmed using a well designed protocol in a large number of patients.

Iodine detoxifies – Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Cadmium

I take 50 mg of Iodoral every day. Initially started it for hypothyroidism and then found it had other great benefits.
I dont plan to take ALA or any other chelator until the day of the extractions (hopefully both same time as they are both fairly small ones). Ive heard that they can pull the mercury out of the teeth while they are in otherwise. Dont know if this is true or not, but ive read some that say it is. So, at anyrate my plan is to have them removed then do some light but correct (hopefully) chelation.

I spoke with a MD office who does Chelation Therapy today and also asked them about dentists/amalgams. The Chelator doc did a full spectrum of toxic metal (e.g. mercury) test pre and post therapy to see results. I asked how they worked with the dentists they referred to and how it might go with amalgam removal. They said typically best to speak to dentist first and get his input. Then pair any amalgam removal with chelation based on that.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Lots of good information on Hal Huggins website:

Huggins Applied Healing
Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, is the world's most controversial dentist because of his stand on trying to convince dentistry to stop the use of mercury in fillings. He has been in practice since 1962, fifty years. He received a post–doc Master's at the University of Colorado with emphasis on immunology/toxicology in 1990. He successfully pioneered treatments for autoimmune diseases caused by dental toxins and has personally treated over 5,000 toxic patients.

Many people have been told their health problems are all in their head because their symptoms or diseases have no medically known cause or treatment. Dr. Huggins has discovered that dental toxicity due to mercury in amalgam fillings is the cause of many of these unexplained diseases and symptoms. Other standard dental practices, such as root canals, have also been shown to contribute to many health issues for which the medical community has no explanation.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I don't necesarily think i have mercury poisoning or that my ME is caused by amalgams, but I am trying to increase my chances of recovery by dealing with stuff including the amalgams.

Hi Snowathlete,

I read a book once by a dentist who advocated amalgam-free dentistry. In it, he gave an example of a triathlete who for his entire life had been in superb physical condition. But after a recent dental visit, became almost totally incapacitated. After a few weeks, he connected the dots that his health and endurance deterioration all started with two additional amalgam fillings in his mouth.

Given that he already had about 18 or so, he could hardly fathom that two more would make a difference. But after he had them removed, his health returned. Over time, he eventually had all the others removed as well. -- The lesson I took from that story is that each individual has their own threshold of how much mercury toxicity their bodies can tolerate/detoxify. And once that threshold is reached, the pendulum swings, and our health can deteriorate dramatically.

For pwCFS, and/or people with any kind of methylation cycle or detoxification issues, this can be a critical factor. So I agree with you that having your two amalgams removed will likely increase your chances of recovery. -- And then you can go onto any number of other factors that are keeping you from significant recovery. :rolleyes:

Regarding detoxifying mercury after having the amalgams removed. You may be interested in a technique that I use regularly to detoxify my mouth from various kinds of toxicity, including sequestered mercury. I use a bentonite clay solution technique which I describe in detail in the first post of this thread.

Oil Pulling (Ayurvedic Technique) for Oral and Sinus Issues...

Good luck with this effort of yours. I think it's a very good move on your part. :thumbsup:



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just a quick note regarding the dentist I mentioned above who wrote the book: He only reluctantly had his own amalgams removed, not really convinced it was an important thing to do. He had thought he was already in excellent health, and was quite shocked by how much his own health and endurance improved afterwards (he was also an athlete).


Senior Member
thanks wayne. i have some bentonite clay already so i'll take a good look at your post on the other thread.

removing these amalgams is a start at least. like you say i can then look at what else might be a factor.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
The following is a very well done 13-min. YouTube video by a former dentist and CFS sufferer who is now a Naturopath. The video lays out a clear and concise narrative for how toxic mercury can be, which I believe is especially the case for those with methylation cycle issues (most pwCFS from what I can gather).

Starting at about the 5:20-minute mark, she mentions how friendly bacteria in the body convert inorganic mercury into organic mercury (which is apparently 100-1000 times more harmful to the body). Seems like a plausible explanation as to why some people fare so poorly when taking high quality probiotics. --- (@dannybex)

CFS & Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan

Here's a shortened 2 1/2 minute version of the same video:

CFS & Fibromyalgia: Explained

The creator of the above video has also written a book entitled,

"Chronic Fatigue, ME, and Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan"

Table of Contents below: ------ [THIS LINK will take you to a more detailed "Listing of Contents"]
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Problems

Chapter 1 'Here Be Dragons'
Chapter 2 We Are Here
Chapter 3 The New Paradigm
Chapter 4 The Basics
Chapter 5 Defining Fatigue Related Syndromes
Chapter 6 Our Toxic Planet
Chapter 7 The Symptoms Of Fatigue Related Syndromes And Their Causes
Chapter 8 Living Matter
Chapter 9 Toxic Metals
Chapter 10 Endocrine Disorders
Chapter 11 Causative Emotional Issues

Part 2: The Solutions

Chapter 12 The F.R.S. Natural Recovery Plan
Chapter 13 Reducing Toxin Exposure
Chapter 14 The F.R.S. Diet
Chapter 15 Emotional Work
Chapter 16 Lifestyle
Chapter 17 Supplementation
Chapter 18 Dental Work
Chapter 19 The Healing Journey

Part 3: Resources

Bibliography And Further Reading
Useful Contacts

244 pages
49 figures

Click for a more detailed listing of contents

Read a free chapter or two

Click sample extract to read the Introduction and First Chapter or below to listen to an audio version
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
  • I just ran across the following online post, which seemed appropriate for this thread. Here's a direct link to this woman's website: --- Ocean River Institute

    Laura Henze Russella day ago
    I hope more people with these conditions keep looking into the role of unfortunate combinations of genes and toxins that are the triggers for inflammation and chronic disease. I had FMS for 20 years. Then a year of escalating bizarre symptoms, I was going to hell in a hand basket.

    Then through luck, persistence and a neverending search for answers and diagnoses and help, one of my doctors heard a presentation that symptoms like mine could be caused by reactivity to dental materials. Lo and be hold, that was it.

    I began seeing biologic dentists, worked with my integrative doctor with a protocol from AZ, and worked with my internist who never gave up on me, though the specialists she had referred me to had written me off.

    I lost the bizarre symptoms, and then I realized I was also losing the fibromyalgia. Mercury, mold, Lyme and confections, and hidden dental infections were the causes, and now I am back to my old self. Regular dentists who drill out old amalgams will just increase your toxic load.

    Get screened for gene glitches and toxins. You may get your old life, and language, back.

    I started Hidden River Health Challenge to help people learn about, share, and take action on new knowledge about the impact of gene types and toxins. Please join and river
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