I am glad the AMA is sending this out but not sure what the scientific implications of this study will be -- it should be noted that the Lyme study subjects fitted the CDC definition of Lyme disease already with their serologies, had undergone usual antibiotic treatment, and were still sick so this isn't a case of someone with non-CDC diagnosed chronic Lyme as I understand. It does speak to the fact that Lyme disease can become chronic, like West Nile virus sequelae, and not a one-time illness that will always go away with treatment.
Currently, only about 15-20% of MDs are members of the AMA (although some are not members but still get the journal) and only some opt to get the e-mails. Older docs are more likely to be members than younger docs so at least the older docs, who might be entrenched in their thinking, will be exposed to this information. Younger docs are less likely to join because Gen X/Y are less likely to join groups in general and some interested in groups have been alienated by the AMA's stance on some issues.