I think people are asking for the source of your information (a reference, for example) and whether that source is reliable.
There are plenty of people here who have been researching this illness longer than you've been alive, and most of the people here have been sick much longer than you, so have done a lot of reading/research you haven't even begun to dig into. Like it or not, most people here know a lot more about this illness than you do at the moment.
The CDC is not a reliable source of information on ME/CFS. You don't have to believe us now -- do some serious digging, read the research papers, read the CCC, read the NICE guidelines if you really want to believe in government resources. They you can decide who to believe and who to be more skeptical about.
Plenty of men get this illness, and many young people. If you listen to people here, you will soon become aware of that fact. My daughter, for example, is younger than you and has had this illness for almost 7 years. She is learning to cope with this illness and so can you. None of us like having ME/CFS and all of us want a cure or better treatment, but until the time comes when that is available, we all have to find ways of coping.[/QUOTE]
Well said Sickofcfs,
Since I had to stop working in the job I loved, I have been researching everything I can find that has been written about ME/CFS. That's nearly every day for the last 6 years. I don't think there has been a study, guideline, definition, comment, article or argument written that I haven't read. I am part of several forums, many groups and (e)mailing lists. Like most people with this horrible disease my 'job' is to get better, so I try to keep as informed and educated as much as humanly possible.
I agree that the CDC is not a reliable source of information, and frankly I think it is a bit niave to think it is. By the way, this is not beacuse I am Australian, but because I recognize that they do not use an accurate definition of ME/CFS. As can be said for the governmental health agencies in most countries around the world. Until they get their definition right, most of their information is useless because it isn't about real ME/CFS.
And FYI I was 24 when I got sick, 15 years ago.
take care, ness