Why does something like this work then?
Peptides are short chains of amino acids.Also, (for the way it is being used in this thread) is a "Peptide" the same as an amino acid?
Why does something like this work then?
It might seem that all the antibodies to the peptide would be the same as the autoantibodies but it is not as simple as that and even if it was it would still make things worse in a different way.
How would it make things worse in a different way? I am not sure if I understand what you mean? I could see the benefit being temporary and then stopping or even reversing but how would it get worse? Thanks!
Would myasthenia gravis meds be useful to us? Or is this targeting the wrong type of AchR?
That's disappointing. Turning to cement is the main symptom I'm aiming to get to the crux of. I can usually stand 2 minute or so on POTS meds, less without. Highly disabling. I asked my POTS cardiology doctor about mestinon. I'd read some positive outcomes for POTS and ME but he dismissed it as just for MG (tho I'm not sure MG has been properly ruled out for me and I notice that it can be comorbid with other conditions). I've got a neurology appointment (after just 19yrs of ME ) in January so I'm planning to ask then.I tried mestinon over the summer as my doc suspected MG. My usual time to muscle fatigue/burning/turning to cement is about 20 seconds. On mestinon it was about 2 seconds. It definitely didn't help me .
@temple88 does the immediate negative effect for you mean something? If something that can treat MG, in you aggravates overlapping symptoms, could it indicate that you have an opposite problem? It doesn't sound like random side effects.
yes this is what I meant. Could you have too much Ach? Just a thought.Problem is, if you have too much acetylcholine on board then that also causes muscle weakness.
Bone marrow suppression at the doses likely to be used is not a big issue. I am not sure what candcer fatigue would be if we are talking about a side effect of a drug. For most people the real problem is that it makes you horribly sick.