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ALS diagnosed !!


Senior Member
Anybody can give reviews about Ceragem therapy or Bemer therapy for nerve disorder... @Gingergrrl @Hip @Jammy88_2

I re-read back through this thread to refresh my memory after you tagged me but I am not familiar with either therapy (Ceragem or Bemer). I wish I could be more helpful!

@Omar88 @Jammy88_2 @Hip @Gingergrrl Anybody is aware of Omar & Jammy status please

Unfortunately I do not know what happened to Omar or Jammy. I will re-tag @Hip in case he knows and can give you any info.

thanks @Gingergrrl i will wait for your response

I wish I knew something more to tell you. I couldn't tell from your post, are you also experiencing muscle weakness or autoimmune issues (similar to what I went through) and you are trying to get diagnostics and testing for it?


Senior Member
@Omar88 @Jammy88_2 @Hip @Gingergrrl Anybody is aware of Omar & Jammy status please

Hello @ashyam86343 , thanks for asking.

I'm still alive, and had been quite well for a couple years.

In October I got some kind of infection, again, and now I'm trying to recover from it. Many of the 'original' symptoms came back. Not a fun time.
I hope you're doing ok.
Hello @ashyam86343 , thanks for asking.

I'm still alive, and had been quite well for a couple years.

In October I got some kind of infection, again, and now I'm trying to recover from it. Many of the 'original' symptoms came back. Not a fun time.
I hope you're doing ok.
@Jammy88 really glad to hear from you. thanks for letting know your status. couple of months ago i was really in bad neuro issue and lost all my muscles nearly 11kg.
Sidha & Ayurveda medicines together with paleo diet helping a lot, recovered 6kg. still loosing my hair, slow nails growth, weak legs, numb toes, gum issues symptoms persist for past 3 months nearly. its worst than my first year. :(


Senior Member
Hello @Omar88........I'm a frequent visitor to the ER myself, and never, ever have I received the correct diagnosis for anything. I live in TX out of interest. I'm admitted for a week or more at a time, and each time there is something else seriously wrong! I'm at the point where I simply don't listen to their "guesses" nor does my husband. I go to the ER b/c I have passed out (sometimes for as long as 2 days), or can't breathe.

Have you ever been on an anti-anxiety drug? t...it can be done through your own physician. There are plenty of drugs for anxiety that are not addictive today, and some of us need them. Yes, I've tried the natural route, attended a program and using the AA Handbook, which I highly recommend for any of these problems, but in the end I had to go to medications and then probably 6 years ago, to the big league drugs. This was my choice, it wasn't enforced by anyone.

Today too much effort is put into testing. Someone said that TB could be ruled out with an X-ray...this is true. You don't even have to leave your bed...why didn't the doctor order it? Personally, I'm going a bit insane with all of the doctors I see and the drugs I'm on. Now let me also say that all doctors have been polite and highly personable...it's just that no consensus has been reached. I do now have Autoimmune Encephalitis, a seizure disorder and now have 5 stents in my heart & 1 in my carotid artery. I was the size of nothing when this was diagnosed. I am grateful that all of this was discovered via tests, but some of the off the wall diagnoses are just "out there." I'll pray for you, and have every hope that indeed this will be something like Stiff Person Syndrome (which my sister had). Whatever you do, don't waste your money on a neurological trip to the Mayo Clinic. I've heard way too many stories of how people have been seriously messed up there...led to believe it's all in their heads, that type of thinking. Check into other well-known clinics...The Mayo is excellent for other things, but neurology isn't one of them. Be healthy; be safe. Yours, Lenora.
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