@jason30 I would suggest you try low dose DMPS initially. When you are comfortable with that you can add ALA in very small doses – maybe 3 mg. What dose did you take before?
The minerals in the essential hair tests do not necessarily correlate with body burden. Magnesium and calcium levels are often opposite what they are in the body. Lithium, selenium, zinc, boron, iodine, manganese and molybdenum are generally accurately reflected in hair tests unless there is deranged mineral transport which is apparent from the test.
Zinc (which is displaced by mercury) is the most important mineral for mercury poisoned people. It is necessary for the synthesis of metallothioneins which are proteins involved in the detoxification of heavy metals.
The other essential supplements are vitamins C & E and magnesium.
Some people feel they have to improve their liver function, or adjust their minerals status etc before starting chelation. In general, as mercury is the caI use, I think it is better to start chelating, even if the dose is only 1 mg every 3 hours.