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Allergies disappeared, but gotten much worse!?

Hey everyone so something incredibly weird has happened the past year.

When I used to drink milk or be around dogs my body would produce extreme amounts of phlegm and I would feel even more tired than I usually do. I would usually spit out the phlegm in the large amounts in the morning.

But slowly for the past year my allergies have ''disappeared'', I now only get very little if any phlegm around dogs or when drinking milk. Generally my body just doesn't seem to be able to produce phlegm anymore.

At the same time I am feeling worse than ever, with constantly horrible brain fog and tiredness. Anyone been through something similar?

I am worried that my body has finally decided to go full retard on me, and that it will be a downward spiral from here :/
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ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Hey everyone so something incredibly weird has happened the past year.

When I used to drink milk or be around dogs my body would produce extreme amounts of phlegm and I would feel even more tired than I usually do. I would usually spit out the phlegm in the large amounts in the morning.

But slowly for the past year my allergies have ''disappeared'', I now only get very little if any phlegm around dogs or when drinking milk. Generally my body just doesn't seem to be able to produce phlegm anymore.

At the same time I am feeling worse than ever, with constantly horrible brain fog and tiredness. Anyone been through something similar?

I am worried that my body has finally decided to go full retard on me, and that it will be a downward spiral from here :/
Possibly related to what people report in this thread?


iherb code TAK122
I think @Rick Sanchez is saying he feels much worse @MeSci so not quite the same as the poster in the link, I imagine if you feel worse your body is still reacting but in a different way. Try staying off milk and being around dogs (if that is possible) see if your symptoms change. I only realised after losing my much loved old dog in November that the cough I'd had for many years was related to her, it totally disappeared after she died. I'd presumed it was related to having Cpn so never bothered about it. Funny how we discover things, so sadly no more dogs for me after a lifetime of having them. Unless of course I get cured, you never know:)


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I think @Rick Sanchez is saying he feels much worse @MeSci so not quite the same as the poster in the link, I imagine if you feel worse your body is still reacting but in a different way. Try staying off milk and being around dogs (if that is possible) see if your symptoms change. I only realised after losing my much loved old dog in November that the cough I'd had for many years was related to her, it totally disappeared after she died. I'd presumed it was related to having Cpn so never bothered about it. Funny how we discover things, so sadly no more dogs for me after a lifetime of having them. Unless of course I get cured, you never know:)
I don't consume dairy products or have much contact with dogs, but I wasn't really referring to myself, just making a possible connection with another thread. More allergy = less ME symptoms? To do with a change in the immune system?

What is Cpn?


iherb code TAK122
Sorry I wasn't saying stay off milk etc to you @MeSci , but to the original poster as he was feeling much worse even though not now producing phlegm..... Cpn is Chlamidia Pneumonia


iherb code TAK122
That's it @minkeygirl you just don't know... , It took me a couple of weeks to realise that I'd stopped coughing, it was never a productive cough, if there was anything it was always clear, so that's why I never did anything about it

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
so sadly no more dogs for me after a lifetime of having them.
I don't want to be encouraging you to make a bad decision, but there are dog breeds that are considered hypo-alergenic. I don't know how true this is.


iherb code TAK122
Thanks @Little Bluestem - but my son has a lhaso apso x poodle little dog. He doesn't shed but smells so bad, I have to wash him every time he calls - he gives me a pleading look as he's lifted into the sink!! I would have to bath one every day. He gets bathed probably once a month at home, and looks clean to others (normal) not enough for me, its the dander on the skin. My old dog didn't get bathed as much as she should, she had a bad back and so did I. She was short coated and got brushed every day, I also used a couple of sprays, one to remove dander and the other to clean the coat, her coat shone, but obviously I was still reacting to it.

I used throws on all her bedding which got washed every week in Thieves Oil..... I did what I could to keep things clean and it was such a big effort when I felt ill...

I worked with horses as well for many years of my life...I look at them now with all the mud on them and wonder how I could ever care for one again, which is still my dream.