My autistic son went into a coma after MMR with a strange illness, that they never did know what it was. la I was given seroxat during the years I was trying to find out what was wrong with my son, as he had such strange processing problems. I had bad reactions to seroxt and took an overdose which left me permanently harmed. loss of memory Iq neural sensory processing problems, communication difficulties and auditory processing fatigue, pains all over my body, kidney disease etc. That is what those drugs do too some people.
I had loads of pharmaceuticals as a child for allergies etc asthma inhalers etc but I believe the drugs side effects are now related to my illness.
I wish I knew then what I knew now, but when I innocently took these drugs, I genuinely believe they had been properly tested for safety, I now know with seroxat, they covered up information on their safety and knew it was causing suicides in children, they withdrew it for children but only because they got caught out. If it is not safe for under 18s what makes them think it is safe for over 18s expecially as I am only 4 10 and weigh six stone, I lost 10 pounds on that drug too. and it used to burn my stomach.
When I tried to explain the side effects, I was ignored and given anti psychotics, which made me collapse,
It took me 2 years to get off them and it was hell the withdrawal was shocking, I had to reduce by 1/8 of tab a day which I worked out myself, no gp helped advise as they said they were non addicitve. some years later they prescribed them again, even though I tiried to explain I had sucide attempt on them, none before or since, but they did not listen, just ignored me and so in a weak moment I took one (stupid me) and I had what is known as a severe kindling reaction and had a seizure, I went tot he hospital, they could not find anything wrong, told me to go back to gp. When I recalled my blood tests recently as I'm putting in a complaint, I checked on bloods meant it seems one test did show an inflammatory reaction after the seizure the baso test. I also discovered I had kidney disease which no one had informed me about, in the 10 years since my suicide attempt.
The docs at the time fabricated my records to cover themselves and I think the cover up has continued simply because they can and no one does anything about it
Still I know now these drugs do not detoxify from your body, they do stay there and I found out on paxil progress forum that a kindling reaction is normal although not as severe as I had.
I am now predjudiced against the use of pharmaceuticals , due to my experiences although maybe some can be useful in small amounts